
'If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel ." Benjamin Netanyahu
First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.


"If I bring a sword upon a land, and the people of the land take one man from among them and make him their watchman, and he sees the sword coming upon the land and blows the trumpet and warns the people, then he who hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, and a sword comes and takes him away, his blood will be on his own head.... But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his inequity; but his blood I will require from the watchman's hand." Ezekiel 33:2b-6 I have not been appointed, but I feel the weight of the watchman, because I see the sword coming. How can I not warn the people?

Yuri Bezmenov
Uploaded by onmyway02.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Open Letter to President Obama

Mr. President

I am a veteran of the United States of America. I served my country between 1984 and 1988. It was the cold war, no active war was going on, but I still served. I am proud of my service. I can still tell you stories that would make your hair stand on end. I held a secret clearance, and had to sign a document that I wouldn't talk about it for 10 years after I got out. There are things that I still choose to not talk about because I don't know what would hurt my country. Most things I'm pretty sure are so old as to not matter.

I was raised a Democrat by my parents. I was told that Democrats were for the little man, and Republicans were for big business. I decided for myself as an adult that that was not necessarily true and switched parties during the Reagan era. My parents are "split ticket" but vote mostly Democrat. I should correct that. They have suddenly decided that they are Independent with this administration. Funny how that works.

I should actually thank you. You have woken up a whole generation, maybe two or three generations. You see, I was patriotic when patriotic wasn't cool. It's like the country song....I was country when country wasn't cool. I was patriotic back in the mid-80s when it wasn't cool to be patriotic. I still love my country. And seeing you tear her apart is killing me.

When you were up for election, there were all kinds of accusations of your birth place. You brushed them aside and let the controversy fly. I believe that you were born in Hawaii, not because of the shoddy birth certificate that you put up. It was a terrible scan job that I believe you did on purpose to encourage conspiracy theorists to keep everyone distracted. I saw someone hold one and take a picture of it. My son was born in Hawaii. I have an actual certificate that I can compare it to. I moved on from that issue and was able to concentrate on other issues. That's too bad for you. You would love us to divide our time and be too scattered to even think.

It's a self-fulfilling prophecy. I have a handicapped child. When I was raising him, they said not to discuss his handicap around him, not to tell him that he couldn't do something because it would become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Tell him he can do anything, and he won't know he can't do it. Don't tell him, well, you're Down syndrome, you won't be able to read that. Teach him to read. When you go on the air and tell everyone that all that information is just too much for us, do you really think that it will stop us from looking? I am just a little bit of a rebel. It makes me think that you're hiding something and don't want me to look too deep because I might find it. I have to admit that I haven't been politically aware over the past 25 years, but I don't really recall any other President ever standing at a pulpit or podium and using it to espouse his agenda to the American people in such a way as you have. I don't remember any other President telling us that information is dangerous. I do remember the press throwing a fit over President Bush saying that we needed Faith Based programs....and now they are silent when you suggest it. I have to wonder why? Are we turning into Russia with their Pravda newspapers?

And now we have the Arizona Immigration Law. Have you read it? Have you read the National Immigration Law? Why are you dividing our country? Does it suit your needs? Are you trying to start a Brown-White civil war? Arizona is enforcing the National Law that you (and to your credit, your predecessor, President Bush) wouldn't enforce. Now, I have to ask you the question, because the press corps won't ask it, what is your immigration status that you are so against us asking for it? Did your step father really give it up in Indonesia? There are no records of you coming back into the country as Barack Obama or Barry Soetoro, through Immigration, so are you an illegal alien as well? Is this why you take Arizona's law so personally?

Let me explain to you why we are so upset. We are not profiling. We don't care about the illegal aliens nationality. We don't care about people coming in who are taking jobs. We feel sorry for people who come in because they need jobs. You have the power to change that, why don't you? You have the chance to be the hero, why don't you? You can write a bill to change immigration law and come to the rescue of all those poor, pitiful people who are having to cross that border and risk their lives. Set up immigration lines, have them fill out the proper paper work, get in line, maybe even cut down the amount of paper work, whatever it takes. Set up schools on the border to teach English as Second Language classes, because we still require that you take the test in English in this country. Once you learn English and can take the test, you're a citizen. But these people don't want to be a citizen, they just want our benefits, and then go home with all our money. And you want to allow that because all you want is to bankrupt America so you can bring about your plan.

And you have another plan. You want a Muslim America. Why do I think this? Because there are more than Mexicans and Central Americans crossing our southern border. I'm from Texas, that's why I'm keenly aware of this issue. You, Mr. President are the elite, and stuck on the East Coast. I'd bet if the Muslims were crossing the Canadian border, those states would be keenly aware of the border issue. I'd bet if the Canadians had a war going on the issue would be making more news. I'd bet if bodies were being found in Montana, Washington, New York, and Michigan, if they were finding Prayer rugs and military jackets with Muslim emblems on them all along our northern border, you wouldn't be hearing the end of it. But there are only 4 states, one of which has the highest Muslim population in the country (California). So, it gets buried.

If you would like to see a video about it, check this out: http://www.wsbtv.com/video/23438021/index.html

Of course, with your resources, now it will get scrubbed off the Internet. There's a news station in Arizona trying to get answers from your Janet Napolitano, but she's refusing an interview. No one wants to address this issue of terrorists crossing our border. Glenn Beck tried back in 2007, but he's just a crazy man. Do you want our border open so terrorists can cross freely? Are you leaving us open for an attack on purpose? America knows about this. When we are attacked there will be NO WAY you will be able to BLAME BUSH for this one.

I have one last question before I go. I want to know, since just about everyone suspects you are a Muslim: Has an Imam declared the jihad on America to be Fard Kifayah? You see, with all this information on the Internet, I was able to find the distinction between two terms in Islam. Fard A'yn is when everyone has to do it and no one can do it for you, like praying and fasting. But Fard Kifayah is when it's called for everyone to do it, but if a sufficient number of people respond, then everyone else is absolved from doing it. Fard Kifayah was declared on the jihad in Afghanistan so that not every Muslim had to kill the communists there. Has it been declared on the Jihad in America? Is that why the moderate Muslims are not coming out and condemning the radical Islam? Because Radical Islam is performing a task for them. If we get rid of all the radical Islamic terrorists, then the moderate Muslims will have to step up and take over the task. Because according to Fard Kifayah, if not enough respond, all are in sin. That would be you, too, if you are indeed Muslim. How will you respond, Mr. President, to Fard Kifayah? And does this cover you, if you are indeed an American? If the Muslims have declared jihad against all America, shouldn't we put more security around you, as an American? You don't seem too worried. Maybe you're not American.

Lori Ann Smith

Please help me get this out by sending to everyone you know as long as you keep my name and web site with it. Thank you.

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