
'If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel ." Benjamin Netanyahu
First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.


"If I bring a sword upon a land, and the people of the land take one man from among them and make him their watchman, and he sees the sword coming upon the land and blows the trumpet and warns the people, then he who hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, and a sword comes and takes him away, his blood will be on his own head.... But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his inequity; but his blood I will require from the watchman's hand." Ezekiel 33:2b-6 I have not been appointed, but I feel the weight of the watchman, because I see the sword coming. How can I not warn the people?

Yuri Bezmenov
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Saturday, May 8, 2010

An Interesting Perspective on Arizona

I'm not against Immigration. I have a sister-in-law from the Netherlands. She's not actually naturalized. She married my brother-in-law, but kept her Netherlands citizenship. I guess that means she kept her "green card." She never took the citizenship test, so I suppose if my brother-in-law ever divorces her she'd have to go back to the Netherlands. I'm not sure of the details.

I'm not against someone coming in the front door. As a matter of fact, I think we should make the door a little bigger. I just don't think we should let in criminals. So I think if you're a terrorist, you shouldn't be made a citizen. I don't mind accepting families from Mexico. If you want to become a citizen, fine by me. But I get the feeling most of these people just want our money, don't want to pay taxes, want our free benefits, and then want to go back home with the goodies. They don't really want to leave their home country. Otherwise they wouldn't be still flying the flag of their own country. They would be like the ones speaking out and waving the flag of their new country, pledging allegiance to it.

But that's not my twist. My question is this: Our President of all people, who is a LAWYER, is taking the side of the people who haven't read the bill. He's a Lawyer. He should know the law. He knows what's in the Federal law, too. He knows how it's written. He knows that it says IF someone is already pulled over and stopped they have to show their papers anyway. It's not if a police officer hears someone speaking Spanish and they think they might be here illegally they can walk up and say, "Papers, please." But if so, if an immigrant is here on a School Visa, and takes her child to the ice cream parlor for a Sundae, she is supposed to have her papers with her anyway. I'm sure if she left them at home, the officer would gladly follow her home to get them. If there is a bank robbery, committed by a white woman with spiky brown hair slightly greying, in her mid-40s, looking more like her late 30's , 5'5, which matches my description, and an officer asked to see my driver's license, I'd show it to him. If I happened to walk to an ice cream parlor and didn't have it on me (because I always have my purse on me so I can't imagine any incident when I don't have my ID on me, unless I didn't want someone to know who I was), I would ask if I could go home and get it.

So, if that's not the case, let me ask another question. Is this a distraction? Are we supposed to be looking at another type of Illegal alien? I am wondering how many Muslims there are in Arizona? Do we need to keep the southern border porous so that the Muslim population can come into Mexico and then into the United States? Are just Mexicans coming into the United States through our southern border? We don't know because our border isn't secure. Are we supposed to be looking at the hand with the illegal immigration issue which is supposedly only about Latinos? What's in the other hand? Islam?

Did you know that according to http://www.islamicweb.com/begin/population.htm 3.75% of the US population is Muslim. Here's the site that gives the breakdown of the other major religions: http://www.islamicweb.com/begin/religions_changes.htm. Roman Catholic is 59%, While the combination of Protestant is 62.5%. Jewish is 4.3% and Greek Orthodox is 1.5%.

While Christianity has increased by 47%, Islam has increased by 235%. We are being overrun. We are being exterminated. When Christians go into a country, do we demand that everyone do things our way? Do we make little communities and ignore the laws of the land and set up our own schools and temples and ignore everyone until we out-number them? You want to hear Islam's plan for America? In their own words? http://www.billionbibles.org/sharia-canada-america.html There is already Sharia law being felt in Minnesota. They put different color cab lights on top of the cabs so they can refuse passengers at the airport who land with duty free alcohol.

So, again I ask the question, how many illegals are trying to not get caught with this new law that are trying to sneak in of Muslim origin and not Latino? We are trying to close our borders to illegal activity. If you want to come into our country to work, get a work visa. Do it the right way. IF president Obama really wants to help the Latinos, or anyone else who wants to work in this country, make it easier to get a work visa. Or is that too simple of an idea? You know most Latinos are Catholic, not Muslim. Is that gonna be a problem for you, Mr. President? And they usually have conservative values. They only vote Democrat because you have convinced them you are for the little guy. But what about all the big oil money you've taken? What about all the bribery? What about all the bribes you had to offer to get your health care bill passed? I don't want my wealth redistributed. And I want the terrorists kept out of the border states. When the Latinos find out they left bribery and graft to come to bribery and graft, will they just go home? And the border states of California, Arizona, New Mexico and Texas. Funny, California has the highest Muslim population, and they're protesting the immigration law the loudest. Watch the other hand.

Lori Ann Smith

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