
'If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel ." Benjamin Netanyahu
First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.


"If I bring a sword upon a land, and the people of the land take one man from among them and make him their watchman, and he sees the sword coming upon the land and blows the trumpet and warns the people, then he who hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, and a sword comes and takes him away, his blood will be on his own head.... But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his inequity; but his blood I will require from the watchman's hand." Ezekiel 33:2b-6 I have not been appointed, but I feel the weight of the watchman, because I see the sword coming. How can I not warn the people?

Yuri Bezmenov
Uploaded by onmyway02.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

A personal Opinion on Health care

I've labeled this a personal opinion, but I think it's an informed one. I have never considered myself a political person in the past. At least not until recently. My husband has been for 20 years. I've rolled my eyes at him, told him to shut up around my family, told him not to antagonize the Democrat members of my family.

Then I got a face book account. Someone I know was playing a game that involved a coffee shop. I love coffee. I thought, how fun, serve coffee to your friends. I think I'll go play that game. I'm really new to face book, didn't know what it involved. It's like a chat room, or Yahoo group. You can make it what you want it to be. They set you up with a "home page," and suggest you join a couple groups and get to know some other moms. I asked my husband what groups he thought I should join. Hey, there's a group called Hot Topics and Current Events. He said join that so we could have something in common to talk about. Sounds good to me. He's a talk radio junkie. Wakes up to it, brushes his teeth in the morning to it, his whole morning routine revolves around it. My 10 year old son says he farts talk radio.

Well, the first thing they were talking about was the health care bill...the one going around the House at the time...you know, the first one? This was the little one, the one that only had 1500 pages. Well, I didn't want to feel like I didn't know what I was talking about, so I asked if anyone had a link to it.....and I did something really novel....I started reading it. It scared me. I started saying things like, do you realize they're going to do such and such? Of course, I got blasted by the left as fear mongering. There's no way they're going to do that, you're just against everything (from the left). The insurance companies are evil. All the talking points. Israel is Evil. What does that have to do with Health care? They blast you with so many issues at a time, so that you can't concentrate on the big one. Health care.

Do you realize that if they take over health care, they are taking over 1/6th of our nation's economy? And it goes beyond that. They want to take over everyone's health. When this all started, there was a tack on bill, called Take Back Your Health Act, S. 1609. You won't believe this one. I'll try to explain it quickly. Let's say you have a chronic disorder, like diabetes, prostate cancer, breast cancer, metabolic disorder (not sure what that is, but it was listed), or a heart disorder and you're on Medicare (not Medicaid, but Medicare). The GOVERNMENT can mandate that you attend 72 1-hour sessions with your doctor for health classes. These classes will help you lose weight, stop smoking, lower your cholesterol, change your eating habits so that your cancer risks go down, etc. In other words make your risks lower for whatever it is you have to not come back. You can combine these classes in 6 hour blocks, and you can have them in groups (can you say drive them through like cattle?). You HAVE to show improvement, as measured by a drop of 10% in waist measurement, or points in your cholesterol, or whatever, but you have to show a 10% change in TWO of the groups OR YOUR DOCTOR DOESN'T GET PAID. I read the whole bill. It was only something like 3 pages long, maybe 5.

At the time, I sent it out over my face book. My uncle is a doctor and I was worried what this would do to him. He takes a lot of Medicare patients. He's a general practitioner in a small town. And if Obamacare goes through, the Medicare rolls are going to increase. I got blasted by my aunt. My uncle would never do this to his patients. I lost my cousin over it. She left my face book page and took herself off all the games that we were friends together on. Ummm, I never said HE would, I said the government would....I guess she saw the writing on the wall that I didn't....if the government didn't pay the doctor, the doctor would have to go to the patient to get paid. Well, if you read the whole bill, which I then sent to her, there is a 100% deductible. Which means that's exactly what is going to happen. You take the class, you don't actually quit smoking, Medicare doesn't pay the doctor, so the doctor comes to you to get paid for the classes. What if you can't pay? You didn't want to take the stupid class anyway, because you didn't want to quit in the first place. And who is the government telling you that you HAVE to quit? What are they going to do? STOP PAYING YOUR MEDICARE because you're a health risk? Can you say rationing? We can't afford to pay for everyone, so we're only going to pay for the ones who appreciate it? And how you appreciate it is by taking care of yourself? Can you really live with this?

Health care is what got me into politics....I'm awake now. So I guess it was a good thing. I don't do things part way. I've heard the term Yellow Dog Democrat. It means someone who would vote for a yellow dog if it ran on the Democrat ticket. I asked my husband a couple years back, "Aren't we Yellow Dog Republicans?" We are guilty of the same thing....we would vote for a yellow dog if it ran on the Republican ticket. Not all people who run on the Republican ticket are actually Republicans, and we have been shown that now. In my dad's day, and when I was a child, he told me that Republicans were for big business and not the small guy. Democrats were for the working man. He fell for the party line even when I was little. They have a good propaganda machine out. I've been doing a lot of research lately. They have never been for the little guy. They are for big government because they believe you are too stupid to think for yourself; they have to do it for you. They started the race wars so they could step in and regulate it. They started a lot of problems so they could step in and regulate it. You want something solved? Make it a problem, even if it wasn't before.

So, if the government steps in and determines what everything is going to cost, doesn't that spell price setting? That's big government. Big government means that they are running everything for you because they think you are too stupid to do it. That may sound nice to the average person who doesn't do that, but what if you're one of the people who wants to do that for a job? That means you can't unless you work for the government. Or you have to let the government regulate the crap out of you. Do you want that? You just voted the government into all the PRIVATE businesses that do that sort of thing. Where is private enterprise?

We aren't supposed to be little children that a mommy and daddy take care of things so we can go out and play. We are capable of doing our own finances. Grow up America and take a look at THEIR books. Do you want a tax cheat telling you how to do your health care? Tim Geithner is telling all of America that he wants your financial information because he wants everyone to submit things via electronic transfer. It's in the health care bill.....that's how they want all the insurance companies to submit their claims. And if they are out of compliance they get fined $1 per day per life covered. And who determines the policies? The US Government. Why? because they are now involved and you didn't ask them when you set policies and they want everything the same. So they get to set how it's the same. Follow their rules or they take their ball and go home...or rather they make YOU go home. And then they take your home away, and sell your land.

I think all this talk about the health care bill is close to being over is a set up to discourage us....just like Rush said. They are constantly trying to demoralize us. They are doing their best to make us give up. They are the ones like little kids. When you're kids are stubborn, you have to be more stubborn than they are. Since these are the teenagers from the 60's, we have to teach them like teenagers. They're too big to spank. We have to out stubborn them......we can not let them wear us down. We have to be steadfast and not waver in calling in and letting our representatives know this bill will not fix the problem....IT IS PART OF THE PROBLEM.

Lori Ann Smith

Lori Ann Smith

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