
'If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel ." Benjamin Netanyahu
First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.


"If I bring a sword upon a land, and the people of the land take one man from among them and make him their watchman, and he sees the sword coming upon the land and blows the trumpet and warns the people, then he who hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, and a sword comes and takes him away, his blood will be on his own head.... But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his inequity; but his blood I will require from the watchman's hand." Ezekiel 33:2b-6 I have not been appointed, but I feel the weight of the watchman, because I see the sword coming. How can I not warn the people?

Yuri Bezmenov
Uploaded by onmyway02.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God. Matthew 5:9

I'm just a tad young to remember the radicals of the 60's. I don't really understand how President Obama does. He was born in 1961. That means he's 2 years older than me. So in 1969 he was only 8 years old. A little young to be taking over the government. In the 70's, when it was still going strong, he was in school. I don't know his history real well. I don't know when he came to Chicago and started studying at the feet of his radical teachers, but I know THEY were in the radical movement of the 60's. But, in 1979, he would have been graduating from high school. Let's see, that puts him leaving Hawaii, right? Transitioning to Chicago? Getting ready to start college. I do remember 1979. I was a Sophomore in high school in 1979-80. I was a bit of a radical myself. But I never would have thought of overthrowing the government. I was a Democrat, but not a socialist. Socialist was a bad word where I came from.

Hippy apparently had a different meaning in my circles. Hippy meant the guys who hung out and did drugs and wanted peace at all costs. Peace, man. They didn't wear shoes, hung out at the park and wore their hair long. They protested the Viet Nam war and spat on our boys when they came home and called them baby killers. That's what we were taught. But is it the truth? Apparently not. Apparently they didn't want peace. Apparently they wanted anarchy.

I love my country. I would die for my country. It was the early 80's that sent me into the military. I have to admit, though, that it was mostly a lack of a job that did it in the beginning. No patriotism in the beginning. But how can you serve this great nation, and not come out patriotic? I have to look at the Congressmen who claim to be Democrats and voted straight down the Democratic line and yet claim to be doing it for their country. They know it's sending us into socialism. How do they sleep at night? What did Obama sell them? Or did he threaten them?

Obama believes in his ideals just as strongly as we do. He would die for his version of America. But, I believe it goes beyond that. I hesitate to state my beliefs and you'll see why as you read this. I've believed this for a while, and it scares me to my socks. We, as a nation, have got to promote peace beyond all other measures. We have got to reel in those who would promote anything else. We have got to keep cool heads.

I posted a previous post about a revelation I had, based on a lesson from my son. I'll summarize here, for those that didn't read it but you can find it on my blog (http://loriann12.blogspot.com). I transferred my son from a magnet school to a charter school with 2 months left in the year. They only had 2 slots left for next year, so my hand was forced to move him early. He had a horrible first day and came home crying for 30 minutes. It caused me to burst into tears as well. I felt like I'd ruined his life, but I know it's the best thing for him in the long run. He's ADHD and this school has only 1 class instead of rotating between 3 classes this year and 6 classes next year. It will give him 3 years to learn organization. As I was explaining to him that I knew he thought his life was ruined, but this was actually best for him, I heard God telling me the same thing about health care and my nation. What if the vote had gone the other way? There would have been riots in the streets from the have-nots. "What, we don't get free health care?"

There are crazies on both sides and it's a powder keg out there. Obama is doing everything he can to tick off whoever and everyone he can. He wants to become a martyr for the cause. He knows that at some point he will make someone mad enough to do something stupid. It only takes one crazy person to do something really stupid and it's like lighting a match over a keg of gun powder.

He is on tape as saying that it is too expensive to move from socialism into Marxism. Yes, that is a fact. BUT, given the choice between anarchy and a dictatorship, the people will choose a dictatorship. Obama is not worried about being voted out of office. He knows one of two things will happen. Either there will be no vote because he will have instituted martial law because someone will have TRIED to execute him and failed, or they will have succeeded and we will have anarchy and his plan will be carried out by someone else.

WE HAVE GOT TO PUSH FOR PEACE AT ALL COSTS. We must not fall into anarchy. Those who know me, know that I am ex-Navy. I have been saying pray for peace but prepare for war. I am not exactly a pacifist. I am not afraid of battle. I may be a peacetime veteran, but that is because of when I was born. I can't help that I was born in a time when there was no war going on. What was I supposed to do, start one? I got news for some of you out there.....if I had not stopped the Russian submarines from breaking through our defenses....y'all would be speaking Russian now, and Russia would not have fallen. You tell the ships in WWII that sub-hunters are not important in this fight. You tell people who man the radios that intelligence is not important, and where the submarines are is not important. I have never slighted the grunts on the ground...don't slight me. And you know who that's for. I'm back.

It's like Glenn Beck said, we have to become peace-makers. Even if it's the last thing we want to do. We can still fight, with in the law. Obama is doing everything he can to incite riots. He wants anarchy so he can usher in Marxism. You can't usher in Marxism when the people have a Republic. The only way to make Marxism palatable is when you have anarchy.

Lori Ann Smith
America's Voice Corps
Standing on the Ramparts

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