
'If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel ." Benjamin Netanyahu
First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.


"If I bring a sword upon a land, and the people of the land take one man from among them and make him their watchman, and he sees the sword coming upon the land and blows the trumpet and warns the people, then he who hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, and a sword comes and takes him away, his blood will be on his own head.... But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his inequity; but his blood I will require from the watchman's hand." Ezekiel 33:2b-6 I have not been appointed, but I feel the weight of the watchman, because I see the sword coming. How can I not warn the people?

Yuri Bezmenov
Uploaded by onmyway02.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Reprint Progresistas en la historia

NOTE: As Obama enters his second term, it's even more important to recognize what the history of socialism is in our country. Those who haven't lived through this, or known people who have, have a Utopian view of socialism. They expect every one to live in a luxury apartment, with the men voluntarily going out to work in the fields, or factories, singing as they go, and the women accompanying them on a piano from the veranda. It's not Star Trek, people, where you don't need to work, everything is just given to you. America elected Santa Claus for President, meaning the Democratic party who promises them free food, free houses, free phones, free everything. I pity those who are still asleep. I've been trying to wake people up for 4 years now.....I fear for liberty. Don't come crying to me when socialism becomes fascism because that's the only way socialists can get the change they want. You think it's great that only the rich are being taxed? What happens when rich is defined as anyone make over $100,000 a year, or $50,000 a year?  I'm sorry to my Spanish speaking crowd, but I don't speak Spanish, or yo hablo Espanol un poquito....

Reprint Progresistas en la historia

I have fallen behind on resending this out. I know if you decided to explore my site, it's there, but I like it to be on the main page at least once a month. Please help me get this out to our friends who still think best in their native language. The Left is doing their job of slaughtering history, let's do our job of getting the real history of the United States out, and expose the progressives and their agenda. They only want the vote, they don't care about the minorities or down-trodden.

(NOTE: This is a reprint of my Socialists in History, in Spanish, translated by a dear friend of mine from Columbia, who is here LEGALLY.)

Progresistas en la historia
La educación es nuestra mejor defensa. Me he comprometido a publicar algo cada mes, junto con los nombres de los Congresistas progresistas de la historia. Esto es algo que no podemos olvidar. No lo olvidaremos mientras yo aun tenga aliento. Si los progresistas de la oficina quieren que América olvide, tendrán que borrar nuestras memorias, nuestros escritos, nuestros medios electrónicos. En tiempos pasados bastaba con quemar los libros. Obama: ¿Qué esta usted hacienda ahora?
Progresistas en la historia

Mi esposo tiene un excelente set de libros de historia, a nivel de colegio, sorprendente a la vista. De hecho, estos libros son los que usé para mi Carta Abierta al presidente Obama (La cual deberé publicar después). Me ha estado inquietando el concepto del plan de 100 años que los Progresistas tuvieron, y aunque nadie ha salido a decir que ellos tenían un plan de 100 años, de estos libro saqué la idea. Un par de veces se me ha pedido explicar esto, así que eso intento hacer ahora.

Al cambio de siglo, los liberales escogieron llamarse Progresistas porque ellos calcularon que la gente estaría con el progreso. En ese momento hicimos saltos enormes en el progreso. Nuevos inventos de esa época: el teléfono, la luz eléctrica, el automóvil, las calles para carros, los aeroplanos, las fotos con movimiento; el mercado de bienes se desarrollo rápidamente, los granjeros disfrutaron de una prosperidad sin precedentes y el oro se descubrió en 1896 en Alaska. A pesar del pánico de los bancos en 1907, había un marco de ambiente prospero. Teníamos una mentalidad de progreso, de prosperidad en América. Todos los progresistas tuvieron que hacer lo que los relacionaba con la reforma y el progreso. Usted tuvo que tener un gran gobierno para poder tener progreso en sus mentes.

Para esa época, ellos habían establecido el Darwinismo como un hecho. Los más aptos sobreviven. Los otros mueren. Hay una cita de John D. Rockefeller: “El crecimiento de un negocio grande es meramente la supervivencia de los mejores adaptados... Esto no es una tendencia maligna en los negocios. Es meramente el trabajo de la ley de la naturaleza y la ley de Dios”. Así que poniendo estos conceptos juntos, ellos establecieron como un hecho que aquellos en contra de ellos estaban en contra del progreso y que morirían por ser los débiles. Conformaron la elite, una forma más alta de sociedad, mas desarrollada. Ellos también insistían en que los Estados Unidos era una democracia o que debía serlo. Somos una Republica no una Democracia. Pero como se ve aquí, los progresistas eran la elite, no los conservadores. Ellos no eran el hombre común.

En 1911, ellos dirigieron su agenda al sistema educativo. Charles A. Ellwood dijo que las escuelas deberían ser usadas como “un instrumento de conciencia de la reconstrucción social”. Los progresistas quisieron rechazar el aprendizaje religioso y humano (se tomó este como Humanidades o Artes) y experimentar con lo que trabajaría. Ellos querían “socializar” a la juventud. Es allí cuando comenzó la educación centrada en el niño. Esto hizo que las escuelas se fueran camino abajo hasta llegar a lo que tenemos ahora, con el Departamento de Educación tomando el control sobre los maestros dentro del salón de clases.

Los progresistas incluso arrasaron con el movimiento Cristiano, según estos textos, a los que llamaron los detractores (gospellers) sociales. Fueron llamados los atacantes mas viciados del sistema económico americano, pidiendo una reforma de nuestro sistema fiscal. Así pues, temprano en los 1900s, los socialistas se habían infiltrado en las iglesias reclamando reformas y usando la palabra de Dios como su apoyo. Ellos son los que básicamente estuvieron en contra del mercado libre y comenzaron todo este movimiento en contra de Dios para hacerse ricos. Fue allí cuando el muckraking se volvió popular. Adivino que es esto lo que ellos han estado haciendo. Exponer artículos se volvió una practica popular porque la gente estaba hambrienta por conocer la verdad de lo que realmente estaba pasando. Ellos llamaron a David Graham Phillips el traidor del Senado... ¿Suena familiar?

Originalmente, los partidos democráticos eran denominados partidos privados y excluían a los negros. Incluso después de la 14ava Enmienda, a los negros solo se les permitía votar en las elecciones generales. Supongo que no querían que ellos votaran hasta que hubieran decidido por quien ellos podían votar. El sur se volvió sólidamente Democrático. Los progresistas eran aquellos que reclamaban por la segregación. Se volvieron hacia los votos de los negros. En los 1800s, no había segregación, había una separación natural, pero no una forzada segregación. Para la Primera Guerra Mundial, una segregación extensa se había establecido en los estados de la vieja Confederación y los estados vecinos. En 1930, la ordenanza de Birmingham prohibió que negros y blancos jugaran juntos domino o damas. Hay que anotar dos cosas: La segregación fue impuesta por los blancos. La superioridad blanca fue proclamada y la inferioridad negra fue asumida. Booker T. Washington, un prominente líder negro, le pidió a todos: “sufrir en silencio” y ejercitar “la paciencia, (forbearance and patience have the same meaning) y el autocontrol en medio de las condiciones que se vivían”. El quería que ellos mejoraran y compitieran en el mercado. ¡Qué hombre tan inteligente!, mucho más allá de su época. Pero tengo que admitir que yo no creo que hubiera podido hacerlo bajo esas condiciones. Yo creo que todo fue orquestado para escoger el chivo expiatorio para futuros planes. Y es despreciable escoger una raza completa para estos planes…

¿Sabía usted que en 1894 ellos intentaron institucionalizar un ingreso fiscal pero encontraron que era anticonstitucional? La constitución dice que los impuestos deben ser repartidos a los estados de acuerdo a su población, por consentimiento… y eso no es un ingreso fiscal, ¿Acaso sí? Los progresistas se salieron de esta enmendando la cuenta tarifaria. Esta fue nuestra primera redistribución de la abundancia, de los ricos hacia los subsidiados o improductivos en la sociedad. 1913 es también cuando nosotros ratificamos la elección directa de nuestros senadores. Originalmente, los senadores eran representantes de los estados, no de la gente. Se suponía ser un sistema de balance y equilibrio, así los estados tendrían algo de control sobre el congreso.

Los progresistas tuvieron el poder nacional desde 1901 hasta 1921, abarcando las presidencias de Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, y Woodrow Wilson. Roosevelt se refirió a su programa como la Repartición Cuadrática y Wilson tuvo su Nueva Libertad. Ninguno profesó ser socialista, pero ambos fijaron el país en una trayectoria socialista. El mismo Rossevelt dijo: “El Nuevo Nacionalismo pone la necesidad nacional antes de la ventaja personal o seccional… Este nuevo Nacionalismo ve al poder ejecutivo como el administrador del bienestar público. Exige de la judicatura que se interese sobre todo en el bienestar humano mas que en la propiedad…” Wilson dijo de su Nueva Libertad: “Yo creo que ha llegado el tiempo cuando el gobierno de este país, tanto nacional como estatal, establezca el escenario… para que la justicia de los hombres actué en cada relación de la vida… Sin la interferencia vigilante, la interferencia resoluta, del gobierno no puede haber juego justo entre los individuos y las instituciones de gran alcance tales como confiables. La libertad es hoy algo más que venir a menos.

El programa de un gobierno de libertad debe, en estos días, ser meramente positivo, no negativo; En otras palabras, es trabajo del gobierno ser pro-activo (dinámico)
El libro de historia dice que en los 1920s, los intelectuales se sintieron alienados por América. Ellos escaparon a Europa.

La Gran Depresión comenzó con la caída del mercado de 1929. Herbert Hoover era el presidente y era considerado como un presidente frio e insensible. En realidad, él creía que el gobierno no debía jugar ningún papel para sacar a los americanos de los lugares bajos donde estaban, que eso le tocaba a las caridades y negocios privados. El decía que una vez que el gobierno se convirtiera en el salvador, ellos dependerían de alguna manera y para siempre de la ayuda del gobierno. ¿Suena familiar? La Depresión fue el final de los conservadores en el poder. Así que los conservadores solo tuvieron el poder de 1922-1932. En 1932 Franklin D. Roosevelt fue elegido y los progresistas regresaron al poder. El acusó a la administración del momento de gastar mucho pero dijo que él gastaría dinero en los ciudadanos americanos para liberarlos de la hambruna durante la depresión. ¿Suena esto familiar? Culpar a la administración pasada y gastar, gastar, gastar, pero, tengo excusa para esto.

En ningún momento de la historia ninguna administración ha hecho tanto en sus primeros 100 días para “cuidar” de la gente americana, o demostró más autoridad sobre nuestra economía. A menos que usted esté contando la presente administración. Llegó un punto en el que Roosevelt abiertamente intimidó al congreso, diciéndoles que si ellos no actuaban, él tomaría el poder y actuaría por si mismo. Estábamos en la mitad de la Depresión así que los americanos no veían esto como una usurpación del poder.

Aparentemente, una de las mentiras más grandes fue la Seguridad Social. También fue la mayor redistribución de riqueza con programas que los socialistas nunca antes habían ofrecido. Se estableció el 1% de impuesto sobre los salarios y un 1% correspondiente a los empleadores, y esto debía ponerse en un fondo confiable en la Tesorería. Una acumulación iba a ocurrir. Se estableció que el incremento sería lentamente. Mas adelante, se describió como un programa de seguro que debía asegurarlo para su retiro. Hubieron otros programas que se crearon al conjunto con la Seguridad Social, desde el comienzo eran programas de redistribución: compensación por desempleo, ayuda por menores dependientes, cuidado del menor y de maternidad, niños discapacitados, niños abandonados, programas de salud pública. La Seguridad Social se tornó en un esquema piramidal. Las personas con seguro social pagaban a aquellos que habían estado allí hace mucho tiempo. ¿Acaso la gente no va a la cárcel por organizar esquemas piramidales?

Harry S. Truman se convirtió en presidente después de la muerte de FDR, pero no se proclamó que él fuera un progresista. Aunque no se identificaba como progresista, su plan de Pacto Justo incluyó seguridad de salud a nivel nacional para los americanos, legislación de nuevos “derechos civiles”, leyes de Practicas de Empleo Justas, legislación sobre la vivienda, legislación sobre subsidios a granjeros y expansión de los programas de bienestar…suena progresista para mi. Él institucionalizó los subsidios para reducir la renta a las familias de bajos ingresos. El salario mínimo se incrementó a 75 centavos la hora. Ellos también incrementaron los préstamos de bajo interés a los granjeros. El seguro de salud nacional fue denegado porque la gente se dio cuenta de que esto era un primer paso hacia la medicina socializada. Una cuenta llamada a pagar subsidios directamente a los granjeros en vez de aumentar el costo de los productos agrícolas cuando el ingreso de la granja era inferior de un nivel determinado. Ellos decían que esto sonaba mucho más socialista.

Cuando Eisenhower fue electo en 1956 se conocía poco sobre sus políticas. ¿Se liberaría del gobierno dadivoso? Él era el primer republicano desde el comienzo del Nuevo Pacto. Se describía a si mismo como “básicamente conservativo” y decía que “ en los últimos veinte años el creciente socialismo estaba notándose positivamente en los Estados Unidos.” Pero en 1954, era claro que el no iba a responsabilizarse del gobierno dadivoso. Eisenhower aceptó el estado Dadivoso como un hecho. Eisenhower comenzó a hablar de que tan fructíferos debíamos ser, pero él tuvo el déficit mas alto en tiempo pacifico de la historia: 12.4 billones. El se negó a estar en medio del camino republicano. ¿O es esto un DIABLO? De todos modos, él no podía regresarse al camino del socialismo.

En 1960, John F. Kennedy fue electo presidente, el hombre mas joven elegido para oficiar la Presidencia de los Estados Unidos de América. Él institucionalizó varios programas pero estas series decían que él tenía un congreso democrático hostil. Después de su asesinato Lyndon B. Johnson se convirtió en presidente.

Johnson promulgó la Gran Sociedad, la cual estaba muy cercana a presentarse abiertamente como socialista. Aparentemente, Barry Goldwater vio el significado de ello y presionó por la libertad en su campaña e hizo perder la calma por Johnson. Johnson no se molestaba por tener escrúpulos y usó una combinación de torcer el brazo, sentido del humor y trueques para pasar las cuentas que quería que fueran aprobadas por un congreso controlado por los demócratas. El comité del congreso ncional republicano fue clasificado como el congreso 3B: (por sus letras en ingles) intimidado, criticado y lavados de cerebro. ¿Suena familiar? Johnson probablemente hizo más por el movimiento socialista que cualquier otro de los presidentes modernos. La única cosa que detuvo su momento fue la guerra de Vietnam. Cosa que también acabó con su presidencia.

Después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial América había llevado bienestar al exterior. Como está citado en este libro de historia: “…los Estados Unidos promovieron el bienestar y subsidiaron el socialismo en Europa.” El Programa de Recuperación Europeo permite negociaciones entre los países, con todas las protecciones del mercado mundial. Ellos también dependían de Estados Unidos.

Esto trajo nuestra historia a los tiempos modernos, así que yo me detengo aquí. Además, mi mente ya está confundida. Ahora estoy en mi generación, y apenas tengo idea de lo que pasó antes de mi nacimiento. El vencedor escribe la historia. Y la historia ha sido reescrita todo el tiempo. Afortunadamente, nosotros tenemos el poder de elegir nuestros gobernadores y periódicamente hemos interrumpido sus planes a lo largo de estos 100 años. Pero usted puede ver cómo la trayectoria ha vagado y serpenteado por nuestra historia. Nosotros estamos bien dentro de una trayectoria de un estado de niñera. Yo he recogido una mejor apreciación del presidente Hoover. Siempre he escuchado que él fue un hombre frio e insensible, incluso que él no hubiera ayudado a la gente durante la depresión. Pero esa no es la verdad completa, ¿o sí? Es cómo dice la Biblia: Dale a un hombre un pez y lo ayudarás un día. Ensénale como pescar y lo ayudarás para toda la vida. Si continuamos poniendo a la gente en un mundo de bienestar y los dejamos allí ellos habrán aprendido sobre el desamparo. Yo tengo un hijo minusválido. Cuando le enseñaba sobre autosuficiencia siendo él muy joven, me dijeron que no me detuviera cuando él actuara cómo si no supiera hacerlo. Cualquier niño actuará como si no supiera vestirse si él piensa que usted lo va a vestir. ¿Por qué esforzarse si no tiene para que? Si él puede levantar sus manos y usted le pondrá su camisa, ¿Por qué él se va a molestar en hacerlo por sí mismo? Esto es lo que se llama aprender a ser un desamparado. Si yo le muestro a usted los duros momentos por los que estoy pasando y usted viene a ayudarme, yo no tendré que hacer nada. Yo hice lo mismo con mi madre para deshacerme del pepino. Yo removí el pepino en vez de la maleza. Es la naturaleza humana.

Más temprano o más tarde usted tendrá que cortar la ayuda. No estoy en contra del bienestar. Tal vez debería haber un límite de tiempo. Eso haría que la gente hiciera algo para mejorar por si misma. Todos caemos en momentos difíciles y necesitamos de una mano. Pero hay una porción tremenda de programas estatales niñeros y hay personas allí afuera diciéndole a usted cómo jugar al gobierno y conseguir su porcentaje “justo”. ¿Y para aumentar las ayudas gubernamentales e incluir 150% de pobreza e incluir que el gobierno maneje el cuidado medico? Yo no pienso eso. Deberíamos recortar la intervención del gobierno. Necesitamos otro Herbert Hoover ahora.

Fuente: A Basic History of the United States, Volumenes 1-5, por Clarence B. Carson, derechos de autor American Textbook Committee, 1985, Tenth Printing, Julio 1994

Nota agregada en marzo… la reforma del cuidado de salud ha pasado, firmada por Obama, y él está usando el dinero de la gente americana. Hay derechos para los americanos que hacen un 400% de pobreza. Ellos están penalizando a la juventud haciendo que todos los préstamos estudiantiles vayan a través del gobierno. Que cántaro. Y se supone que las condiciones pre-existentes de los ninos hasta los 26 deben cubrirse inmediatamente, pero olvidaron ponerlo en la propuesta. El representante Stupak excavó en una lengua anti-abortista, basado en un orden ejecutivo, el cual no admite ser digno del papel en el que fue escrito. Obama ha hecho pactos, intimidando congresistas, doblando brazos, para conseguir que esta reforma pase cuando en el pasado él había admitido que si la reforma al cuidado medico pasaba con menos del 60% no podría gobernar una nación. Entonces ¿Qué es lo que pretende? Hay un 76% de los Estados Unidos en contra de la reforma pero él de todas maneras esta forzandonos a aceptarla sin escuchar nuestro clamor. El quiere una revolución, así podra declarar una ley marcial y suspender las elecciones y declararse así mismo como un dictador. Eduquese usted mismo. Hay radicales de los 60-70s quienes ya hubieran salido a las calles a quemar cosas como muestra de protesta. Ellos no se explican por qué nosotros no lo hemos hecho.

Yo digo que empecemos a usar camisas desteñidas y hacer mofa de ellos. Regresemos a la charla maravillosa, usemos nuestros cabellos largos y las colas de caballo y empecemos a usar señales de paz. Paz…maravillosa…extraña…

Lori Ann Smith
Luchando por la libertad hasta mi ultimo aliento.
Oren por la paz

Translated by Sandra Davila.



November, 2012 Repost of Progressives in History

NOTE: As Obama enters his second term, it's even more important to recognize what the history of socialism is in our country.  Those who haven't lived through this, or known people who have, have a Utopian view of socialism.  They expect every one to live in a luxury apartment, with the men voluntarily going out to work in the fields, or factories, singing as they go, and the women accompanying them on a piano from the veranda.  It's not Star Trek, people, where you don't need to work, everything is just given to you.  America elected Santa Claus for President, meaning the Democratic party who promises them free food, free houses, free phones, free everything.  I pity those who are still asleep.  I've been trying to wake people up for 4 years now.....I fear for liberty.  Don't come crying to me when socialism becomes fascism because that's the only way socialists can get the change they want.  You think it's great that only the rich are being taxed?  What happens when rich is defined as anyone make over $100,000 a year, or $50,000 a year?

Education is our best defense. I've committed to posting this every month. This is something we can not forget. We will not forget as long as I have breath in me. If the Progressives in office want America to forget, they will have to erase it from our minds, our print, our electronic media. In the old days, you could just burn the books. What are you going to do now, Obama?

August, 2012 Note: Now Obamacare has been upheld by the Supreme Court as a tax and therefore constitutional. It's so funny how it got passed because it WASN'T a tax. I call that taxation without representation. If I could afford it, I'd drop my insurance and pay cash. Kinda hard to do when you're battling cancer, though.

August, 2011 Note: We've now passed the Jobs bill, even though Americans didn't want it either. And hidden in the Jobs bill, are parts of Cap and Trade, waiting for the rest of it. Sooner and later, Cap and Trade, also known as Cap and Tax, will be passed against the will of the people. The arrogance of this administration is unbelievable.

December Note: And now we've passed more legislation than I can remember that the American People don't want. And most was passed during the Lame Duck session. I've only been into politics for a short time, and all these terms are new to me. Why is it that Congressmen who have been voted out of office, get to remain in office for 2 months so they can damage the country? The new congressmen should be sworn in the day after the elections. Don't Ask Don't Tell was repealed. I'm a veteran from 22 years ago. We had gays in the military then, and it wasn't really an issue. I had one woman tell me she would rather bend a straight woman than date another gay woman. Are we going to be dealing with out-right sexual assaults now? How can you file a complaint without being labeled a bigot? We are in a Constitutional Crisis and America needs to wake up!

March note: President Obama has now decided, on his own, that the Defense of Marriage is un-constitutional. This is way beyond the purview of the office of President. Is he now also the judicial branch of our government? He has told the judicial branch to not prosecute. So, what's next?

Progressives in History

My husband has an excellent set of History books, college level, that are just astounding in their insight. As a matter of fact, they're the ones I used in my Open Letter To President Obama. (Which I may post at a later date.) I've been tossing around the concept of the 100 year plan that the Progressives had, and, though it doesn't come out and say they had a 100 year plan, these books are where I got that idea. I've been asked a couple times to explain that, so this is my attempt to do just that.

At the turn of the century, the liberals chose to call themselves Progressives because they figured the people would be for progress. We were making huge leaps in progress at that time. There were new inventions all the time: the telephone, electric lighting, the automobile, the streetcar, the airplane, motion pictures, marketing of goods was quickly being developed, farmers were enjoying unprecedented prosperity and gold had been discovered in 1896 in Alaska. Although there had been a banking panic in 1907, there was a framework of prosperity set. We had a mindset of progress, of prosperity in America. All the progressives had to do was link themselves to reform and progress. And they also linked big government to progress. You had to have big government in order to have progress, in their minds.

They had already established Darwinism as fact by this time. The fittest survive. The unfit die out. There is a quote from John D. Rockefeller: " The growth of a large business is merely a survival of the fittest.....This is not an evil tendency of business. It is merely the working out of a law of nature and a law of God." So, by linking these concepts together, they established as fact that those against them were against progress, and would die out because they were weak. They were becoming more elite, a higher form of society, evolving. They were also pushing that the United States was a democracy, or that it ought to be. We are a Republic, not a Democracy. But as you see here, the progressives were the elite, not the conservatives. They were not for the common man.

In 1911, they turned their agenda to the school system. Charles A. Ellwood said, that the schools should be used as "a conscious instrument of social reconstruction." The progressives wanted to throw out religious and humane learning, (I take that as the humanities, or arts) and experiment with what would work. They wanted to "socialize" the young. This is when child-centered education began. This started the schools down the road towards what we have now, with the Department of Education taking the control away from the teacher in the classroom.

The progressives had even crept into the Christian movement, according to these texts, who call them the social gospellers. It calls them the most vicious attackers of the American economic system, calling for reform of our tax system. So, in the early 1900's socialists had infiltrated the churches and were calling on reforms and using God's word to back it up. They are the ones who basically were against the free market and started this whole movement that it was against God to be rich.

This is when muckraking became popular. I guess that's what we're doing. Expose articles became popular because the people were hungry for the truth about what was really going on. They list David Graham Phillips' Treason of the Senate...sound familiar?

Originally, Democratic Parties in the south were deemed private parties and excluded blacks. Even with the 14th amendment, blacks were only allowed to vote in the general elections. I guess they didn't want them voting until they had decided who they could vote for. And the south had become solidly Democratic. The progressives were the ones who pushed for segregation. They turned on the black voters. In the late 1800's there was no segregation, there was natural separation, but no forced segregation. By World War I, widespread segregation had been established in the states of the old Confederacy and the neighboring states. By 1930, Birmingham ordinance prohibited Negroes and whites from playing dominoes or checkers together. Two things need to be noted. Segregation was imposed by whites. White superiority was proclaimed, and black inferiority was assumed. Booker T. Washington, a prominent Black leader of the period, told everyone: "to suffer in silence," and to exercise "patience, forbearance, and self-control in the midst of trying conditions." He wanted them to improve themselves and compete in the market. What a smart man, beyond his years. But I have to admit, I don't think I would be able to under those conditions. I believe it was all orchestrated to chose a scapegoat for their future plans. And it's despicable to choose a whole race for your plans...

Did you know that in 1894 they tried to institute an income tax but found it to be unconstitutional? The constitution says that taxes are to be given out by the states according to population, and by consent...and that's not an income tax, is it? The progressives got around that by amending the tariff bill. This was our first redistribution of wealth, from the rich to the subsidized or unproductive in society. In 1913 is also when we ratified direct election of our Senators. Originally, the Senators were to represent the States, not the people. It was supposed to be one of the checks and balances, so the States had some control over congress.

The progressives were in power nationally from 1901 until 1921, covering the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson. Roosevelt referred to his program as the Square Deal, and Wilson had his New Freedom. Neither one professed to be socialists, but they set the country on a path towards socialism. Roosevelt said himself, "The New Nationalism puts the national need before sectional or personal advantage. . . .This New Nationalism regards the executive power as the steward of the public welfare. It demands of the judiciary that it shall be interested primarily in human welfare rather than property..." Wilson said of his New Freedom, "I believe that the time has come when the government of this country, both state and national, have to set the stage...for the doing of justice to men in every relationship of life....Without the watchful interference, the resolute interference, of the government, there can be no fair play between individuals and such powerful institutions as the trusts. Freedom today is something more than being let alone. The program of a government of freedom must in these days be positive, not negative merely." In other words, it's the government's job to be pro-active.

The history book says that in the 1920's, the intellectuals felt alienated from America. They fled to Europe.

The Great Depression began with the stock market crash of 1929. Herbert Hoover was the President, and was considered a cold and calloused president. Actually, he believed that the government should play no roll in picking Americans up out of the low place they were in, that it should be the place of private charities and businesses. He said that once government became the saviour, they would forever be dependant on government aide of some kind. Sound familiar? The Depression was the end of the conservatives in power. So the conservatives only had power from 1922-1932. Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected in 1932, and the progressives were back in office. He accused the present administration of too much spending, but said that he would spend money on American citizens in order to keep them from starving in the depression. Does that sound familiar? Blame the past administration and spend, spend, spend, but I have an excuse to do so.

At no point in history had any administration had so much been done in the first 100 days to "take care" of the American people, or assert so much authority over our economy. Unless you count the current administration. At one point Roosevelt openly threatened congress, saying if they didn't act, he would take the power and act himself. We were in the midst of a Depression, so the American people didn't see it as a usurpation of power.

One of the biggest lies, apparently, was Social Security. It was also the biggest redistribution of wealth programs the socialists ever came up with. It was set up as a 1% tax on wages and a 1% match by employers and was to be put in a trust fund in the Treasury. An accumulation was to occur. It was set up to slowly increase. Later it was described as an insurance program, I suppose for insuring when you retire. There were programs set up within Social Security that were redistribution programs from the beginning: unemployment compensation, aid to dependant children, maternal and child care, to crippled children, to neglected children, for public health programs. Social Security turned out to be a pyramid scheme. The people coming in to Social Security pay the ones who came in a long time ago. Don't people go to jail for setting up pyramid schemes?

Harry S. Truman became President upon FDR's death, but it doesn't claim he was a progressive. Although he didn't run as a progressive, his Fair Deal plan included a national health insurance for Americans, new "civil rights" legislation, Fair Employment Practices enactments, housing legislation, farming legislation with subsidies, and expansion of the welfare programs...sounds progressive to me. He instituted subsidies to reduce the rent for low income families. The minimum wage was increased to 75 cents an hour. They also increased low interest loans to farmers. The national health insurance was voted down because the people realized it was the first step to socialized medicine. One bill called for paying subsidies directly to farmers instead of driving up the cost of farm products when farm income fell below a certain level. They said it sounded too much like socialism.

When Eisenhower got elected in 1956 there was little known about his political views. Would he get rid of the welfare state? He was the first Republican since the beginning of the New Deal. He described himself as "basically conservative," and said that, "in the last twenty years creeping socialism has been striking in the United States." But, by 1954, it was clear that he wasn't going to take on the welfare state. Eisenhower accepted the Welfare state as fact. Eisenhower came in talking about how frugal we should be, but he had the highest deficit in peacetime history to that point: 12.4 billion. He turned out to be a middle of the road Republican. Or is it a DIABLO (Democrat In All But Label Only)? Either way, he couldn't turn the tide back from the path to socialism.

In 1960, we elected John F. Kennedy, the youngest man elected to the office of President of the United States of America. He did institute several programs, but this series said he had a hostile Democratic congress. Upon his assassination, Lyndon B. Johnson became President.

Johnson pushed the Great Society, which was real close to being openly socialist. Apparently, Barry Goldwater saw the significance of it, and he pushed for liberty in his campaign and lost the moderates to Johnson. Johnson wasn't bothered by scruples, and used a combination of arm twisting, cajolery and trades to get the bills he wanted passed in a Democrat controlled Congress. the National Republican Congressional Committee classified it as a 3B congress: bullied, badgered and brainwashed. Does that sound familiar? Johnson probably did more for the socialist movement than did any modern president. The only thing that stopped his momentum was the Viet Nam War. It also ended his presidency.

After World War II, America has even pushed Welfare abroad. As quoted from this history book, " ...the United States promoted welfarism and subsidized socialism in Europe." The European Recovery Program allows countries to trade with each other, yet shields them from the world market. They are also dependant on the United States.

This brings our history up to modern times, so I'll quit here. Besides, my mind is boggled. I am now in my generation, and had just no idea of what had gone on before my birth. The victor writes history. And history is being rewritten all the time. Luckily, we have the power to elect our officials, and we have periodically disrupted their plan through out these 100 years. But you can see how the path has wandered and meandered through our history. We are well on the path to a nanny state. I have gotten a much better appreciation for President Hoover. I had always heard that he was the cold and callous man, that he wouldn't even help people during the depression. But that isn't entirely true, is it? It's like the Bible says. Give a man a fish and help him for a day. Teach him to fish and help him for a life time. If we continue to put people on welfare, and leave them there, they will have learned helplessness. I have a handicapped son. When I was teaching him self-care when he was very young, I was told not to give up when he acted as though he didn't know how to do it. Any child will act as though he doesn't know how to get dressed if he thinks you're going to dress him. Why put out the effort if he doesn't have to? If he can stand there and hold up his arms and you'll put on his shirt, why should he struggle to do it himself? It's called learned helplessness. If I show how hard of a time I'm having, you'll come help me, and I won't have to do it. I did the same thing to get out of weeding the cucumbers with my mother. I weeded the cucumbers instead of the weeds. It's human nature.

Sooner or later you have to cut off the aide. I'm not against Welfare. Maybe there should be a time limit. That would encourage people to do something to better themselves. Everyone falls on hard times, and needs a hand up. But, there are an awful lot of nanny state programs, and there are people out there to tell you how to play the government and get your "fair" share. And to broaden government aide to include 150% of poverty and include government run health care? I don't think so. We should be shrinking government involvement. We need another Herbert Hoover about now.

Source: A Basic History of the United States, Volumes 1-5, by Clarence B. Carson, copyright American Textbook Committee, 1985, Tenth Printing, July 1994

Note added in March...the health care bill has passed, signed by Obama, and he's even bribing the American people. There are entitlements for Americans who make 400% of poverty. They are penalizing the young, by causing all student loans to go through the government. What a crock. And pre-existing conditions for children up to 26 were supposed to be covered immediately, but they forgot to put it in the bill. Rep Stupak caved on Pro-life language, based on an executive order, which he admits isn't worth the paper it's written on. Obama has been making deals, threatening congressmen, twisting arms, to get this bill passed, when in the past he has admitted that if you pass health care with less than 60%, you can't govern a nation. So, what does he intend to do? There is 76% of the United States against this bill, but he shoved it down our throats anyway. He wants a revolution so he can declare martial law and suspend the election and declare himself a dictator. Educate yourself. These are radicals from the 60-70's who would have already turned to burning the streets had the tables been turned. They can't figure out why we haven't.

I say we all start wearing tie dye shirts and make fun of them. Let's bring back the groovy talk, wear our hair long, in pony tails and start sporting peace signs. Peace out....groovy....freaky, deaky...man.

Lori Ann Smith
Fighting for Freedom with my dying breath.
Pray for peace

Saturday, November 3, 2012

How Politics Divides

I guess it's a really sad comment on the situation today.  I've been friends with a black woman from my church for at least 5 years.  She's on disability (though she works VBS every year and walks a lot).  She's not married (never been as far as I know) and has 4 children.  The youngest being 13.  I don't know if they all have the same father or not.  She's a prime example of abuse of the system.  She lives in a rent subsidized house, gets SSI and doesn't work, yet all 4 of her kids and she own a Blackberry phone.  I suppose it could be one of those Obama phones.  She gets her hair done nicely, nails, etc.  She eats out a lot, because she was also a friend on face book and checked in or commented every time she went out. 

I remember when her son got a job.  He also has a child with a woman he didn't marry, and doesn't support.  Somehow the government found out he had a job, so they cut down her rent subsidy.  She threw a fit, because he didn't give her any of that money, it was all spent on his clothes.  Well, duh, that means you don't need to buy him anything, he just became a renter.  When her oldest child moved out, they were going to make her move into a house with one less bedroom, because she no longer needed a 4 bedroom.  (Two of the girls are very close in age and shared a room.)  She threw a fit about that, too.  Moving would be such a hardship.

I've always known she was an Obama supporter.  Who wouldn't be when you get so much free stuff?  She doesn't care about his politics, he's the first black president.  She probably wouldn't believe anyone if they told her what he stands for.  I don't understand how a Christian can vote for someone who is pro-abortion and pro-Gay marriage.  I've been posting all the articles from black conservatives that I can find, like the BlackSphere (who I love, by the way, you should look him up on Face Book), Loyd Marcus (the Black Tea Party activist) and Bishop E. W. Jackson, Sr., etc who speak out against President Obama.  Some have religious reasons, some see he's a Marxist, American-hating bigot who wants to destroy free enterprise.  I guess what do they have to lose?  They don't pay taxes, so they think they're immune to tax increases. They get all this free stuff from the government, so why change it?  They just are too stupid to realize that when the unemployment rate goes up, less people are putting in taxes to pay for your free stuff. They are probably afraid if the Republicans get control, they might actually change the welfare system so that it's not a way of life anymore.  Then the government won't pay her to watch her illegitimate grandbaby or allow her, as an able-bodied person, to collect SSI, foodstamps and welfare.  I feel real sorry for them when the economy crashes.  Just like the poor people on the East coast....EBT cards don't work if you don't have power.

It's been a long tradition to "hang in effigy" people you don't agree with.  Here's the definition of effigy:


noun, plural ef·fi·gies.
1. a representation or image, especially sculptured, as on a monument.
2. a crude representation of someone disliked, used for purposes of ridicule.
Used for purposes of ridicule.  It's been a tradition since we were a colony.  I personally don't agree with it, as it seems (these days) to suggest violence on that person.  The left hung President Bush in effigy (and set him of fire), they did it to Sarah Palin.
My friend posted a picture where her second youngest daughter is going to college in southern Texas of a man who has an effigy of President Obama. (I still haven't figured out how she can afford to send a child to college, I know I couldn't.) Of course, whenever you say "hang" and "blackman" together in one sentence, you're a racist.  All her little minded friends chimed in about how racist it was, how awful, how despicable.  I was having a bad day (there have been a lot of those recently, possibly due to facing my own mortality through cancer, or just the number of idiots I run across on a daily basis), and I had to answer.  I asked the question:  Bet you didn't say anything when they hung President Bush in effigy.  First of all, they probably don't even know what effigy means...and aren't smart enough to look it up.  They see a "g" in a word associated with a blackman and think the "N" word.  She told me to get off her page.  I couldn't let that one go, because she's too stupid to realize that anything she comments on gets posted to my "wall."  So I told her, it gets posted to my wall, I'm not on your page.  So she said she'd have to delete me.  I saved her the trouble and unfriended her.
A week or so ago, I was talking to another dear friend of mine, a neighbor.  My husband and I were telling him about Obama and the Down Low club in Chicago.  He's also black, but 65 years old and a veteran of the United States Navy (Korea).  I asked him if he thought I was racist (Obama has me paranoid) and he laughed and asked why I would even ask something like that.  You see, I sometimes make comments without thinking with the politically correct mentality. I don't look at color, I look at how someone treats me. This friend is widowed, and if I were single and 10 years older, I'd be flirting with him.  He us just such a sweet guy.  I never even considered race until 2008.  I've only been called a racist because I don't like Obama.  Like it's been said before:  I don't like his white half either.
I get all the time, the comment that I just don't know what it's like to be prejudiced against.  Really?  Maybe I don't know what it's like to be black, but I know what prejudice is.  I lived 4 years in Hawaii, where white people are the minority.  I have an aunt who house sat for someone in Hawaii, and had to come home because she couldn't take being the minority.  I have a handicapped child.  I've actually had people steer their kids away from mine and not let them play with him because of his handicap.  Down Syndrome is not contagious, people. I know the pain of prejudice.
And for my final comment, get out of the past.  They drag up slavery all the time...we want to be treated better because our ancestors were slaves.  First of all, my ancestors were indentured servants, which is just a glorified word for slave.  Tell me something: how is lowering the standards for black people helping them?  How does affirmative action help educate black people? If you lower the standards, all you are doing is admitting that the black person isn't capable of learning.  So, we, as conservatives, try to educate them on how the Democratic party keeps them dependent on welfare and holds them down.  We point out how not one single Democrat voted to free the black man.  And what are we told?  That's the past, it doesn't matter.  Really?  I have never owned a slave, why should I be passed over because someone not as smart as me, but black, wants the same job?

Sunday, October 28, 2012

What would happen if we didn't have Oil?

OK, I've really had it with the argument that we can live without oil, as if oil is only used for transportation.  Being refined into gasoline and diesel is only a fraction of what oil is actually used for.  You think if we didn't have a supply of oil we could just use wind power and water power, and solar power?  Think again.  I found this site, but for those that don't want to read it, I'll summarize....

Here is a list of the products that are made with oil:

Ink, telephones, cameras, movie film, loud speakers, VCR tapes, LP records, cassette tapes for communication departments.  That means no ink for your printer, or speakers for your computer and no news reels to propagandize us with. No TV cabinets, which also transfers to computer cases, phone cases, etc. 

Dish washing liquids, floor wax, soap dishes, hand lotion, mops, ammonia, ice cube trays, ice chests, ice buckets, and detergents.  This means, no washing dishes, no mopping the floor, and if you think it's no big deal that we won't have ice chests or ice buckets, you also won't have the insulation in your refrigerator.  Hope you don't like to keep your food cold.  You'll be digging a hole in the back yard and burying it.

Shaving cream, shoe polish, tooth paste, nail polish, perfume, toothbrushes, hair coloring, lipstick, hair curlers, combs, deodorant, soft contact lenses, shampoo, toilet seats, shower doors, shower curtains, curtains and cold cream.  So, you'll be shaving with home made lye soap, brushing your teeth with baking soda and hydrogen peroxide on your finger and pooping over a hole in the floor and everyone will see you take a shower. And don't even get me started on the Divas who won't have their nail polish or lipstick.  But continue on, because they won't be shopping anyway.

Shoe polish, slacks, pajamas, purses, panty hose, permanent press clothes, sweaters, dresses and shoes.  Doesn't matter I suppose that you don't have shoe polish, because you won't have shoes....unless you go back to leather for shoes.  How's that gonna sit with the PETA people? We'll also have to go back to animal skins for clothing, because I don't think there's enough cotton in the world, and it's treated anyway.  So, Diva's, no more playing dress up....you'll be wearing home made clothes.  And (horror for me) no yarn either, to make you're own clothes.  I guess I'd better learn to spin yarn from natural fibers.

Toys, dolls, fishing lures, golf balls, motorcycle helmets, tents, model cars, golf balls, skies, roller skate wheels, fishing rods, golf balls, dice, TV cabinets, sports car bodies, golf bags, safety glasses, movie film, life jackets, golf bags, beach umbrellas, tennis rackets, beach umbrellas, golf balls, guitar strings, luggage, ball point pens, golf balls, and did I mention golf bags?  So I suppose you'll have to play kick the can.  And you do realize that if you're not going to have sports car bodies, made of plastic, you also won't have the plastic protective gear that sports players wear.  So, not only can you not play any sports, you can't watch any sports.  OMGosh, what will the President do if he can't play B-ball?

Linoleum, paint brushes, paint rollers, paint, electrician's tape, glue, plastic wood, trash bags, transparent tape, synthetic rubber, car battery cases, safety glass, eye glasses, plywood adhesive, roofing shingles, caulking, roofing, rubber cement, faucet washers, garden hose, folding doors, tool racks, and wire insulation.  I suppose that would mean no more new houses.  You won't be able to paint, unless you make one out of animal hair (good way to get rid of the wild boar problem in Texas), but you have to use real wood, and nail it together because the fake wood won't be available, and you can't glue the chips together to make plywood.  I suppose under this plan, the price of housing will necessarily sky rocket.

Antiseptics, anesthetics, disposable diapers, rubbing alcohol, vitamin capsules, insect repellent, cortisone, petroleum jelly (note the word PETROLEUM in that?), artificial limbs, vaporizers, aspirin, heart valves, antihistamines, false teeth and bandages.  I guess we all had better learn Homeopathic medicine practices.  And you'd better not get sick.  I guess we can say those who want to get rid of oil just want to see people die, can't we?  Hmm.  And you can use cloth diapers, but you have to wash them in lye homemade soap. And I won't even go into the President needing petroleum jelly.  And we can always cut down all the willow trees for our pain relievers. And I know it doesn't list it, but you do realize that "rubbers" are not made out of rubber right?  And birth control pills come in a plastic blister pack, so we won't even talk about free birth control, because all you'll have left is the rhythm method. And get your abortion without anesthesia.

And the number one thing that uses oil?  Credit cards.  Gee, there goes the idea of a cashless society.  You will have to choose, cashless society that puts everything on a debit card, or oil. And heaven forbid, we'll have to give up that EBT card and go back to those embarrassing food stamps.  I suppose we can print them with the Food Stamp President's picture on them.

Still think we can give up oil?  We'll be a third world country, or else we'll be living the life of our pre-Industrial age ancestors.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


I've been thinking about this for quite a while.  Rush Limbaugh brought my thoughts into focus when he had a Lt. Colonel, former special ops guy, on his show.


I've said before that I was active duty Navy, and that my job was to track submarines.  I was an Ocean Systems Technician, Analyst.  I've been out for 24 years, though.  I was stationed in Bermuda when the Soviet Submarine went down off the coast of Bermuda.  It was 1986.  We were conducting a drill at the time.  In a drill, we play tapes for the people on duty and run war game scenarios.  You know, "The Russians are coming, the Russians are coming!"  My job, since I was day staff, was to get the teletype message off the teletype (drill only) and take them to the drill watch officer.  We also ran normal operations.  Normal operations weren't usually very busy in Bermuda, which means there wasn't a lot of traffic real time.  We usually ran the drill on specific equipment, having certain equipment dedicated to live time.  I won't go into detail on the equipment due to security reasons.

I hear the teletype go off and go to check for drill messages.  I read the message.  I'll never forget the phrase that jumped out at me.  They gave the contact number assigned to the contact, which after 24 years I don't remember and wouldn't post if I did remember, and said it was "on the surface spewing green smoke."  I'll never forget that phrase.  I started scanning the message for the word D R I L L. which usually is posted top and bottom of a drill message.  It should have had at the top * * * * * * * D R I L L * * * * * *  all across, and at the bottom as well.  If you give a drill over the speaker system, you start with, "This is a drill," state your message and then say again, "This is only a drill."  I couldn't find drill anywhere on that message.  I was also familiar with plotting, and there were no drill contacts with that number. I only knew drill, as at the time I was a drills administrator.  I wasn't familiar with the real time contacts.

So, I take the message to the real time watch officer.  The drill was over, because we had an emergency on our hands.  Every analyst available hit the floor and looked for the history of the noises we monitor.  We did find the time the submarine experienced an explosion, but it took an experienced analyst to interpret it.  We also found the signature of when it did an emergency surface.  I never got to see it, though, being a day worker at the time. 

We report to Norfolk (at the time), who reports to Washington, D.C., though possibly through further parts of the chain of command.  We got word down from Norfolk that they wanted ALL data from a certain time period to be sent to them.  Even if we record something and play it back later, the time marks will show when it actually happened.  That meant all data concerning the event was confiscated.  We had nothing left to prove we saw it.  I know, because it's not classified if it doesn't have time or frequency marks on it.  There was talk of making laminated badges with the signature of the explosion and emergency surface on it.  That was prevented when all information was confiscated.

Here's what happened as I was told.  Someone fired a nuclear missile (not armed) with the tube doors shut.  That means all the propellant blew up inside the torpedo room.  We were told it killed three men right off the bat.  The submarine then did an emergency surface, where they blow all ballast tanks and come up just like Hunt for Red October.  They actually jump a little out of the water, they come up so fast.  The United States had already offered to rescue all the sailors, but Russia denied the help.  They sent a Russian surface ship down to get the men off the submarine.  It was actually the first time I had seen the signature of a real time Russian Surface ship, beyond "fishing vessels" that station over our sound equipment.  After all the men were taken off the submarine, they put depth charges on the submarine and put her on the bottom of the Atlantic. 

Our "Airedales" dropped sonar buoys in the water as the submarine was sinking.  I got to hear those tapes, and it's the eeriest sound I've ever heard, or expect I'll ever hear.  It sounded like a woman screaming, with intermittent explosions as it imploded.

The reason I tell this story is because that information went immediately right up the chain of command.  And they weren't even our soldiers/sailors.  They were Russian and we were right there to rescue them.  I also am able to tell this story because I'm past my contractual gag order.  I signed a document saying I wouldn't talk about what I did for 10 years after I got out, and it's been 24.  The President was well aware of the events happening in Benghazi.  He knew within minutes.  It was something like 4:00 in the afternoon.  At 5:00 he was scheduled to be in a meeting, so he wasn't on the golf course, unavailable.  And the Lt. Colonel in the call to Rush was asked just that question: what would happen if they couldn't reach the President?  He said there are standing orders to preserve life.  Was life preserved?  No.  We lost an Ambassador, his assistant and 2 former Navy Seals.

Here are my questions for the President:

There are rumors that you watch EVERY single drone attack, were you watching this time when the drones were in the air over Benghazi?

We are hearing that the embassies have an emergency alert that trips live video of what's happening to alert Washington, D.C.  Did you receive this video or is there something wrong with our communications systems?  How big of a security risk is that?

I know information of this nature goes up the chain of command to the very top.  As in my case, the United States can not offer to rescue Russian personnel without the President's approval.  Are you saying that someone stopped the upward flow of information and usurped your authority on this matter?  If so, who stopped it?  Why were you not alerted to the fact that an Ambassador couldn't be found in a hot spot?

Unless the standard standing orders of preserving life were suspended after you became President, why were they not followed?  I know from my experience in the Navy that no lower level military person would do something on their own.  Our men chose to disobey after the third request.  No one can override standing orders except the President.  Once again, who usurped your power as President and told them to stand down?

Why was help not sent until you had confirmation that the Ambassador was dead?

What did Ambassador Stevens know that you wanted suppressed?

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Death and Deceipt in Benghazi

This has been posted on Face Book and YouTube, so I assume it's not copy righted.  I listened to part of it and I couldn't help but notice a few things that were implied and not out right said, so I wanted to go over it.

The compound where they had their consulate wasn't really a fortress.  It was some one's residential compound.  It had a main residence with several bedrooms, a Cantina where staff ate and an armory.  It also had a barracks type building near the main gate that housed a Libyan security force. Our government raised the walls around this compound and made a "panic room" inside that was basically a jail cell and was only intended to keep someone safe until reinforcements could come rescue them. But the forces that would have helped save the ambassador left a month before the attack.

I also noticed that the White House is playing semantics.  They keep saying that they were not asked for more security.  In a way, they're right.  They were asked to NOT have the security that was in place removed. They didn't listen. John Bolton thinks they withdrew troops in order to make the appearance of them not being needed.  If we actually let people know we needed the added security, then they would have to admit that Al Queda wasn't defeated.

When the attack hit, the report says that Ambassador Stevens had already "turned in" around 9 PM.  The attack hit about 9:40. It also says that the alert system was activated immediately.  This means that Washington was getting LIVE shots of what was happening outside. The security man in the main living quarters went to the bedroom to get Stevens, and it somehow obliquely admits that he took Stevens along with his advisor, Shaun Smith to the panic room.  And I have to wonder, just where did he pick up Shaun at?  Was he in the bedroom with Stevens, or another bedroom?  He is just suddenly there with Stevens and the security guy.

We've heard reports of Stevens being raped by the Muslims, that the government denies.  Is this because they knew Stevens was in a relationship with Smith?  Did the Muslims also know this?  There are just so many unanswered questions to even this report.  Why would you send a known homosexual to a Muslim country that kills homosexuals?  Did President Obama feel so comfortable with the Muslim community that he never dreamed that he could do anything wrong with them? Did he think because we are so tolerant and swallow lies about the Muslims, that the Muslims could be convinced that homosexuality was just an alternative life style and should be tolerated? Did he ignore the fact because Stevens knew something?  And if Stevens knew there was trouble brewing, and went anyway to Benghazi, why would he go to bed so early?  Why would they not be on high alert? 

At this point, after they couldn't get to Stevens in the panic room, they poured diesel fuel around the building, lit it and left. After a while, the three trapped men decide to leave.  The security man gets a window open and leaves, but Stevens and Smith don't follow.  He went in several times in order to save them, but can't find them.  He's overcome with smoke and gets to the roof.

At this point, I have to wonder, did one of the terrorists have a gas mask and was waiting for them?  Is this the point in time where the Ambassador was taken?  Another team does find Smith, and he's already dead.  My question at this point is what killed him?  Was it smoke inhalation or bullets?  The report doesn't say and I've not heard.  At this point, live feeds are showing real time pictures to the white house of a place with all three buildings on fire, men running around shooting and our forces leaving in a panic.  And President Obama went to sleep. 

At 11:00 PM, the security men take Smith's body and leave because they can no longer hold the compound.  They drive to another building a mile away.  This all started at about 9:40, so we're talking an hour and 20 minutes.  Some time after midnight, looters go in to the building where Stevens is and find him.  Now it's been about 2.5 hours. He arrives around 1 AM at the hospital and dies of smoke inhalation (asphyxiation).

If Washington was getting live feeds of real time action, why did they insist it was a demonstration gone bad?  Why did they insist it was all over an Internet story?  I think everyone is learning that it was because the Obama administration has been running for reelection on the fact that they have Al Queda on the run, that they are winning the war on terror, when in fact the opposite is true.  The Muslims are not tucking their tails and running like our fearless leader insists.  They are in fact getting stronger with the smell of blood from us.  They smell indecision and hesitation and are going in for the kill.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

The Oh So Tolerant Left

Well, I've been hit.  The political party that claims to be oh, so tolerant (I mean, they're FOR everyone, gays, women, blacks, etc. that the Republicans - according to them - hate) have stolen my Romney/Ryan yard sign.

I have to admit, it's a flimsy sign.  They send you a metal 3 piece pole that you put together, and slip this little plastic two sided envelope over it.  I live on the same street as a high school, so I'm sure it was a brain washed member of the 47%.  I had to deal with straightening it up several times, as if they were kicking it as they went by.  And this morning someone decided that wasn't enough, so they stole it.

Well, a short time ago, I picked up a metal sandwich board (it says Ozarka Natural Spring Water on it, but it was cheap) at a local thrift store.  I had planed on using it for political sayings anyway.  It has a spot you can write on.  Here's my sign:

I hand lettered it, so what do you think?  Did I do a good job?  I also zip tied it to my flag pole.  Let them steal that one.  Right after I put it up, I heard a door slam outside, so I went to check.  I had just gotten a local Republican candidate deliver a sign in my yard.  I guess my home made sign will have to do until I get the delivery of the 3 pack I just ordered.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Photo ID for Voting

I have a few questions about this. In this article Michelle Obama says,

"This is the march of our time...this is the sit-in of our time."
“We cannot let anyone discourage us from casting our ballots.”
“We cannot let anyone make us feel unwelcome in the voting booth. It is up to us to make sure that in every election, every voice is heard and every vote is counted. That means making sure our laws preserve that right.”

What issue was she so adamant about?  Voter ID laws.  Not the abuse that women get overseas in Muslim countries, not the economy, not job losses, it's not the 14 year old in a Muslim country who got shot in the head for advocating the education of women.  It's voter ID.

I took my son down to a government office to apply for more benefits.  He's on SSI because he's 22 and has Down syndrome and autism.  He'll never have a job.  A friend of mine said that he could get "Day Care," which is really an opportunity for him to socialize.  What 22 year old wants to stay home all day with their mom, unless they're blogging away in their underwear in their mom's basement.  I needed a photo ID of him.  His school ID counted, anything with his picture and name on it that was official.

When I was close to 21 (actually up until I hit 30), if I went to a bar or liquor store to drink/buy liquor, I had to present a photo ID saying I was 21 or older.  I have to admit, I was never carded for buying cigarettes, though, but they're supposed to ask for ID when you do that, too.

So, my question is this:  If voter ID laws affect the poor disproportionately, because they can't "afford" to get state ID's or can't get to the office to get them, how do the poor get their government benefits?  How do they even apply for benefits if it's so difficult to get to the office?  Why is it that when you register your car, they register you to vote, but can't give a free state ID card?  How do the poor get their alcohol?  How do the poor get their Obama phones?  How do the poor get their cigarettes?

This whole argument has only two possible explanations:  1) Obama can't stand on his record over the last 4 years because it's G-d awful or 2) They really want people to be able to vote for the dead, vote multiple times in multiple states or vote for someone who doesn't care to vote, or they want illegals to be able to vote because they've been brainwashed that the Democratic party is "for" them.

If you need a photo ID to get money from the government, or to buy cigarettes and alcohol, why shouldn't you need a photo ID to vote?  Voting is far more important than getting your EBT card.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Bringing back an oldie post

So I thought I'd republish an oldie from almost 3 years ago.  This was first put on my blog in January, 2010.

Barack Obama and the Prom Queen

I just realized what America is like. It's like America has been at a bar. America has been busy partying, drinking away, some have never drank before and are a bit tipsy. Those are the ones who are excited about having a black man for president. Whoo Hoo! It's a party. He is a handsome man! Did they even listen to the words he was saying when he was in campaign mode? Who cares? Just look at him? He's gonna represent us when he gets in office. We've been held down so many years. Does it matter that we were held down by his kind? Kind of like the big Frat boy who comes in and there's Betty, on the bar dancing because she's had one too many. He talks her into taking her top off. Pretty soon he's got her not only dancing on the bar with out her top, he's slipped her a date rape drug in her drink, and walked her home.

Then he invited the rest of the frat house over. That would SEIU, the prescriptions drug companies, whoever he can think of. Now some of them have scruples. They see poor Betty just lying there and they start discussing how, now this just ain't right. The big frat guy knows this drug ain't gonna last forever...he starts bribing, cajoling and badgering them to get in line.

He finally gets everyone in line. That's when the policies start coming....the rape of the Prom Queen. Well, that's about the time the drug starts to wear off. Now America wakes up...but it's a bit too late. Everything is in place. Do you think she'll be upset? She may turn into Carrie at the Prom.....Have you heard the phrase Hell hath no furry like a woman scorned?

What we are doing is banging on the door, trying to wake her up because we are the neighbors who hear the party going on next door and we saw them drag her in. We know she's not conscious. We are concerned citizens who can't watch and do nothing. Can we wake her before it's too late? We don't need another Carrie. I saw that movie...it didn't end well.

Lori Ann Smith
I stand for freedom, though none stand with me, until they knock me down and I can stand no more

Friday, September 28, 2012

Obama Phones

I originally wrote an article on 7/14/10 about just this subject.  It's not new.  I had to search for the article (why oh why do I not use tags?) on my blog, but I finally found it.  I had titled it, the most curious thing.  Here is the original blog.


The Left is really trying to capture us. A couple weeks ago, we had a flyer left on our door. I'm sure it was a random thing, left on everyone's door based on the neighborhood I live in. It was offering a free cell phone to anyone who is in a government program. I've since shredded the offer, because I read the whole thing and it just sounded plain spooky to me. But get this, you got 200 free minutes a month, with a basic phone. It had text capabilities, but you would have to pay extra for it. So, get you hooked, and then get you in debt, I suppose. But in order to qualify, you had to be in some sort of government program, like my son being on SSI. What caused me to shred it, was that they reserved the right to change the applications on the phone, even remotely, without notice at any time. How do you change an application remotely?

I had an attack of paranoia one time (the Obama administration has me doing that) and thought my cell phone was bugged by my mother in law. I know, sounds insane. But I checked it out on line. I discovered that it is possible to bug a phone, but it has to be one of those really fancy phones, the ones that can hold lots of applications, and you have to have access to the phone personally. As in if the government mailed you one? The program, I forget the name of it because it's illegal to bug someone's phone if they don't know you're doing it (unless you're the federal government) costs over $200. Like I said, you have to have access to the phone to install it. So I know I don't have it, because I've never let my mother in law have access to my phone, and it's not a complicated phone. It sends all the information to a predetermined location, either another phone or a computer, in a download.

Interesting, huh? So the Government is sending out flyers, trying to give away free phones to everyone on government assistance of some sort. Is this so they know where they are? I was really tempted to take it. I thought to myself, this would be a great way for my son to have a phone in case we were gone and the power went out. With 200 free minutes a month that would be all he needed. And the kids could share it.

Then we got a call from a marketing agency....to tell you the truth I've forgotten the name. We've been involved with them before. They send $1 in an envelope and tell us they're going to call with survey questions. Well, this time they called before we got the envelope. They wanted to know if we would be willing to wear a device that monitors everything we watch....it just makes it easier. It picks up all our electronic devices. It scans our grocery purchases, etc. EXCUSE ME???!!! Can it also monitor my cell phone calls? Can it also tell them where I'm at at all time? We said absolutely not. The next day we got the letter explaining it with $10. They wanted to pay us $50 per person willing to wear it.

THIS IS BIG BROTHER! This is the scariest thing I've ever heard of. I just could not believe it. And when you put these two things together? How do things like this happen in America? I would not have believed this was possible just a short year ago. I would have said *I* was crazy for even suspecting anything was wrong. But I was the person who, at the age of 20, went with a total stranger and let him show me around New York City. And I don't think THIS is safe. You tell me that wearing a tracking device in this day and age is right. Yea, it's just marketing.

And everyone knows that cell phones have a GPS in them. Why would anyone let the government give them a phone with a GPS in it? So the government can track down all the people on disability? It specifically says only the person assigned the phone can have the phone. That is population control. Hand out the phones so at a later date they know where everyone is.

If you know anyone who got those, make sure they tie them to rats...just like in the movie with Arnold ...what was it where he went to Mars? We'll have all the government men tracking down varmints instead of Patriots!


I bolded the things that strike me now, over 2 years later.  I remember reading the whole disclaimer.  I remember them saying they could change the phone remotely.  What else can they do remotely?  At the time I wrote this, 2.5 years ago, I already had a feeling where this President was leading this country.  I know more about communism now besides it's not American.  In China (one of the few remaining truly communistic countries) they don't have welfare of any sort.  They don't have unemployment insurance.  If you lose your job, they give you a small severance pay, and you're on your own.  You're expected to either find another job or have family take care of you.  The most they do is give poor villagers a free fishing net to start a fishing business, or give a free bamboo starter plant so you can raise bamboo and either sell it or make something and sell that. 

If Obama is really leading us down the road to Communism (remember, his mother was a communist and his grandparents, who raised him, were "fellow travelers," code for Communists), his voting base that he's firing up will lose all their benefits.  What happens when you have someone how is dependent on government aide and that aide is suddenly taken away by the very government who gave it to them?  I'd wager to say they'd riot.  I read a report recently (sorry, didn't save the site) that said if the EBT (food stamp) system collapsed, rioting would begin IN HOURS.  They say if the economy collapsed, we'd have a couple days before people realized the dollar wasn't worth the paper it was written on.  But if the takers can't use their EBT card for their smokes, junk food, etc. things will go south much faster.  I can hear it now.  Someone goes to Walmart with a cart full, and tries to use their EBT card.  It fails, they try using their pin a couple more times, then turn to the person who is with them, asking to put it on their EBT card.  Theirs fails, too, so they call someone on their Obama Phone, to find out theirs doesn't work either.  Chain effect.

You've been hearing all these stories about lost Ipads, phones, etc., being found with a system that will track it to where it is, right?  What if this already has that program loaded onto it?  What happens if they can turn it off remotely? 

There is NO WAY my son is getting one of those phones.  Texas Medicaid went to the Star Plus program.  I had 2 choices of plans.  One included a free phone so I turned it down and took the other one.  If they force one on me, I'm finding a bum on the street to give it to.

Sunday, September 23, 2012


I've been looking at the consequences of letting the Bush tax cuts expire.  I found this link that explains all the things that will go up.  One thing stuck out to me.  There isn't just a bracket of 10% going up to 15%.  They are basically eliminating the 10% bracket.  Now everything under $35,500 for single, $70,700 for married filing joint, and $47,350 for head of household just became 15%.  They didn't raise it, they just made it the bottom rung.

My husband has a friend who thinks this won't affect him, and he's going to vote for Obama, so I did some figuring.  He lives with a woman, not married, so he files single.  He makes $14 an hour. 

Figuring it the old way, using 2012 projected tax brackets found here, this is what I came up with:

The first $8,700 would have been taxed at 10%, which equals $870.
 The rest of his $29,120 falls into the second bracket, which was taxed at 15%, which equals $3,063.
This is a total of $3933, assuming no deductions.  I don't know what his deductions would be. This makes an effective tax rate of about 13.5% total, since you use 2 rungs of this progressive ladder.

Now, figuring the new way is actually easier.  The whole thing falls under the 15% bracket, which is $4,368. That's $435 more a year in taxes. That's 1.5% more.  So the lower middle class will get a 1.5% tax increase across the board.

This new system is going to do one of two things: 1) make it more beneficial to stay on welfare, since everything up to the previously stated limits will be taxed at 15% or 2) hurt the working poor the most.  I think given the option, if I was going to see my taxes go up that much, I'd consider doing something to get fired so I could go on welfare.  You don't have to work now to get welfare, so the government will pay you to sit at home. You know people were counting hours to make sure they didn't go over the limit ($8,700 single, $17,400 married, or $12,400 head of household).  I've heard people turn down overtime because it would put them over.

I played with the numbers one more way.  I figured a dual income, both being union workers.  Let's say one of them makes $30 an hour, and the spouse makes $20 an hour, for a combined $50 an hour. This comes to a married filing joint return of $104,000.

Old way: First $17,400 is taxed at 10%, which equals $1,740.
The next $53,300 is taxed at 15%, which equals $7,995
The last $33,300 is taxed at 25%, which equals $8,325 for a total of $18,060, again before deductions.

The new way: The first $70,700 is taxed at 15%, which equals $10,605.
The last $33,300 is taxed at 28% which equals $9,324 for a total of $19,929. That's $1,869 more a year.

I know one person who, together with his spouse, makes about $170,000 and I can't wait to tell them they will see about a $3849 increase over a year of taxes.  They are extremely liberal, let's see if they like sending almost $4,000 more to the government.  That would mean less toys for him.

Another thing, according to this chart, it erases the advantage of filing married filing joint when the income reaches $217,450.  At this point, it would be cheaper to separate and file single, because it would cut each of your wages by individuals, so if you made the same, the lowest would be $108,825, which would put you in the 31% bracket (the old 28%) instead of the 33%, which becomes the 36%. That's a difference of 5%, half of what I tithe to my church.  Are they hoping people will realize this and cut their tithe in half?

And that's just on income.  The tax credit for children is being cut in half, from $1,000 per child to only $500 per child.  What you wanna bet those people who "loan" their children to relatives who don't have any will suddenly take them back?

One thing that will affect me, if your medical expenses are over 7.5% of your adjusted gross income, you can file the higher actual amount.  They're raising that to 10%, making it harder to reach before you can claim it.

We all know this is a political ploy.  Barack Obama is trying to scare his base.  Remember, these are the BUSH tax cuts.  President Bush is the one who made a lower tax rate so the poor wouldn't be affected so much.  So, if you make up to $17.07 an hour single, or a combined $33.99 (which could be two people making about $17 an hour), or file head of household and make $22.76 an hour with no other income, your taxes ARE going up. So what happened to the poor won't pay more taxes? Remember, this is the current President threatening to let them expire.  All he has to do is sign the bill and they'll stay in effect.

This is why we need a flat tax.  You saw how difficult it was to figure your taxes.  With progressive brackets, it just makes it confusing.  If we had a flat say, 12% tax rate across the board, people making $12,000 a year would pay $1200, and people making  $388350 would pay $46602.  You can't tell me that's not paying their fair share.  Of course, 10% would be even easier to figure.  We should get rid of the earned income tax credit, or make it where it only erases what you owe, doesn't give back more than you put it.  As it's written now, it's just another way to redistribute wealth.  I'm not against setting a low range for people to pay no taxes or get all they paid back.  I'm against people getting back twice what they put in. And I have children, I'm not against getting a deduction for having a child. I think if you can prove that you take care of an adult, say your parents move in and you're providing for them, minus what they get for Social Security, you should be able to deduct their expenses.  I mean, the government didn't have to pay for them to be in a home, did they?  Of course, that leaves open for abuse, but people will find a way to scam no matter what the rules are.

So, who exploits the poor?

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

1963 - a Pivitol point in history

I know this is an extensive list, but I called up all the world events that happened in 1963. There is a theory floating around the Internet that 1963 was a pivotal year. I was amazed at the events that came up. And I deleted all the music events and sports events and only included political events. I am not a political analyst. I don't necessarily know the ramifications of all of these events.

I did count the number of TV stations started in 1963 and found 7 PBS stations, 3 Independent stations, 4 ABC stations, and 1 CBS. I thought it odd that there were so many PBS, so I googled PBS stations started in 1962 and didn't get any at all. I guess 1963 was the first year for PBS stations ever. It said that 1970 was the first official year for the PBS program, which I find odd, seeing as there were stations starting in 1963. Stations starting 7 years before the program started?

I was born in 1963. I remember watching Romper Room, but I don't remember if it was on PBS. I don't think so, because we only got network at the time. PBS was on a different antenna. Dad had to put the BIG antenna up to get the PBS channel. Of course, that was when when Romper Room served lunch. I used to eat lunch with Romper Room every day. Romper Stomper, Bomper Do. But then they decided that some kids were under-privileged and may not get lunch, and how bad would they feel watching those kids eat when they couldn't? So that ended eating lunch with the kids on Romper Room. I thought it was neat getting to eat with kids on the TV. I had my tomato soup and Fritos...muncha buncha, Fritos go with lunch. I learned the Pledge of Allegiance from Romper Room. I was the only kid in Kindergarten who knew the Pledge. For the longest time, I had to say it in a little kids' voice. Until the Navy. And it wasn't on PBS.

The President of the World bank had been Eugene Black for 13 years. George Woods was President for 5 years. The average is 4.9 years of all Presidents over the time the World Bank has been in effect.

There were 47,617 deaths due to natural disasters. I don't know if that's high or low, just a fact.

Political Deaths, US politics, Murders, Disasters, Policy, Technology

January 1
Bogle-Chandler case: CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) scientist Dr. Gilbert Bogle and Mrs. Margaret Chandler are found dead (presumed poisoned), in bushland near the Lane Cove River, Sydney.
January 14 George C. Wallace becomes governor of Alabama. In his inaugural speech, he defiantly proclaims "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, and segregation forever!"
January 22 – France and Germany sign the Elysée Treaty.
January 26 – The Australia Day shootings rock Perth, Western Australia; 2 people are shot dead and 3 others injured by Eric Edgar Cooke.
January 28 – African American student Harvey Gantt enters Clemson University in South Carolina, the last U.S. state to hold out against racial integration.
January 29 – French President Charles de Gaulle vetoes the United Kingdom's entry into the EEC.

February 8 – Travel, financial and commercial transactions by United States citizens to Cuba are made illegal by the John F. Kennedy Administration.
February 10 – Five Japanese cities located on the northernmost part of Kyūshū are merged and become the city of Kitakyūshū, with a population of more than 1 million.
February 11 – The CIA's Domestic Operations Division is created.
February 12 – Northwest Airlines flight 705 crashes in the Florida Everglades killing everyone aboard.
February 19 – The publication of Betty Friedan's The Feminine Mystique launches the reawakening of the Women's Movement in the United States as women's organizations and consciousness-raising groups spread.
February 21 – An earthquake destroys the village of Barce, Libya, killing 900.
February 27 - Juan Bosch takes office as the 41st president of the Dominican Republic. Female suffrage is enacted in Iran.
February 28 – Dorothy Schiff resigns from the New York Newspaper Publisher's Association, feeling that the city needs at least one paper. Her paper, the New York Post, resumes publication on March 4.

March 4 – In Paris, 6 people are sentenced to death for conspiring to assassinate President Charles de Gaulle. De Gaulle pardons 5 of them but the other conspirator is executed by firing squad a few days later.
March 27: British Rail network, as it would have become, if "Beeching axe" plans had been fully implemented (only bolded rail lines would have remained).
March 16 – Mount Agung erupts on Bali, killing 11,000.
March 18 – Gideon v. Wainwright: The U.S. Supreme Court rules that the poor must have lawyers.
March 21 – The Alcatraz Island federal penitentiary in San Francisco Bay closes; the last 27 prisoners are transferred elsewhere at the order of Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy.
March 27 – In Britain, Dr. Beeching issues a report calling for huge cuts to the UK's rail network.
March 31 – The 1962 New York City newspaper strike ends after 114 days.
March 21: Alcatraz closes

April 1 – The longrunning soap opera General Hospital debuted on ABC.
April 3 – SCLC volunteers kick off the Birmingham campaign against segregation with a sit-in.
April 7 – Yugoslavia is proclaimed to be a socialist republic, and Josip Broz Tito is named President for Life.
April 10 – The U.S. nuclear submarine Thresher sinks 220 miles east of Cape Cod; all 129 crewmen die.
April 12 – Martin Luther King, Jr., Ralph Abernathy, Fred Shuttlesworth and others are arrested in a Birmingham protest for "parading without a permit".
April 12 – The Soviet nuclear powered submarine K-33 collides with the Finnish merchant vessel M/S Finnclipper in the Danish Straits. Although severely damaged, both vessels make it to port.
April 15 – 70,000 marchers arrive in London from Aldermaston, to demonstrate against nuclear weapons.
April 16 – Martin Luther King, Jr. issues his Letter from Birmingham Jail.
April 20 – In Quebec, Canada, members of the terrorist group Front de libération du Québec, bomb a Canadian Army recruitment center, killing night watchman Wilfred V. O'Neill.
April 21–23 – The first election of the Supreme Institution of the Bahá'í Faith (known as the Universal House of Justice, whose seat is at the Bahá'í World Centre on Mount Carmel in Haifa, Israel) is held.
April 22 – Lester Bowles Pearson becomes the 14th Prime Minister of Canada.  
April 28 – A general election is held in Italy.

May 1 – The Coca-Cola Company debuts its first diet drink, TaB cola.
May 2
Thousands of African Americans, many of them children, are arrested while protesting segregation in Birmingham, Alabama. Public Safety Commissioner Eugene "Bull" Connor later unleashes fire hoses and police dogs on the demonstrators.
Berthold Seliger launches near Cuxhaven a 3 stage rocket with a maximum flight altitude of more than 62 miles (the only sounding rocket developed in Germany).
May 4 – The Le Monde Theater fire in Dioirbel, Senegal kills 64.
May 8 Hue Vesak shootings: The Army of the Republic of Vietnam opens fire on Buddhists who defy a ban on the flying of the Buddhist flag on Vesak, the birthday of Gautama Buddha, killing nine. Earlier, President Ngo Dinh Diem allowed the flying of the Vatican flag in honour of his brother, Archibishop Ngo Dinh Thuc.
May 13 – A smallpox outbreak hits Stockholm, Sweden, lasting until July.
May 15 – Mercury program: NASA launches Gordon Cooper on Mercury 9, the last mission (on June 12 NASA Administrator James E. Webb tells Congress the program is complete).
May 23 – Fidel Castro visits the Soviet Union.
May 25 – The Organisation of African Unity is established in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

June 3 – Hue chemical attacks: The Army of the Republic of Vietnam pours chemicals on the heads of Buddhist protestors. The United States threatens to cut off aid to Ngo Dinh Diem's regime
June 3 – Pope John XXIII dies.
June 4 – President John F. Kennedy signs Executive Order 11110. http://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/ws/index.php?pid=59049
June 11
In Saigon, Buddhist monk Thích Quảng Ðức commits self-immolation to protest the oppression of Buddhists by the Ngo Dinh Diem administration.
Alabama Governor George C. Wallace stands in the door of the University of Alabama to protest against integration, before stepping aside and allowing African Americans James Hood and Vivian Malone to enroll.
President John F. Kennedy delivered a historic Civil Rights Address, in which he promises a Civil Rights Bill, and asks for "the kind of equality of treatment that we would want for ourselves."
June 12 – Medgar Evers is murdered in Jackson, Mississippi (his killer is convicted in 1994).
June 13 – The cancellation of Mercury 10 effectively ends the Mercury program of United States manned spaceflight.
June 16 – Vostok 6 carries Soviet cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova, the first woman, into space.
June 17 – Abington School District v. Schempp: The U.S. Supreme Court rules that state-mandated Bible reading in public schools is unconstitutional.
June 19 – Valentina Tereshkova the first woman in space, returns to Earth.
June 21 – Pope Paul VI (Giovanni Battista Montini) succeeds Pope John XXIII as the 262nd pope.
June 26 – John F. Kennedy gives his 'Ich bin ein Berliner' speech in West Berlin.

July 1 – ZIP Codes are introduced in the U.S.
July 5
Diplomatic relations between the Israeli and the Japanese governments are raised to embassy level.
The Roman Catholic Church accepts cremation as a funeral practice.
July 7 – Double Seven Day scuffle: Secret police loyal to Ngo Dinh Nhu, brother of President Ngo Dinh Diem, attack American journalists including Peter Arnett and David Halberstam at a demonstration during the Buddhist crisis.
July 12 – Pauline Reade, 16, is abducted by Myra Hindley and Ian Brady in Manchester, England.
July 19 – American test pilot Joe Walker, flying the X-15, reaches an altutude of 65.8 miles (105.9 kilometers), making it a sub-orbital spaceflight by recognized international standards.
July 26
An earthquake in Skopje, Yugoslavia leaves 1,800 dead.
NASA launches Syncom, the world's first geostationary (synchronous) satellite.
July 30 – The Soviet newspaper Izvestia reports that Kim Philby has been given asylum in Moscow.

August 5 – The United States, United Kingdom, and Soviet Union sign a nuclear test ban treaty.
August 15 – President Fulbert Youlou is overthrown in the Republic of Congo, after a three-day uprising in the capital.
August 18 James Meredith becomes 1st black graduate from University of Mississippi
August 19 NAACP Youth Council begins sit-ins at lunch counters, Oklahoma City
August 21 Martial law declared in South Vietnam, following raids on Buddhist pagodas
August 22 NASA civilian test pilot Joe Walker in X-15 reaches 67 miles (106 km)
August 23 U.S. performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
Aug 27, William Edward Burghardt Du Bois (b.1868), sociologist, influential leader of black Americans, founder of the National Negro Committee which eventually became the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, died in Accra, Ghana at the age of 95. He coined the phrase "double consciousness" to describe the black survival skill of moving between the black and white American culture.
August 28 200,000 demonstrate for equal rights in Washington, D.C.
August 28 Martin Luther King Jr's "I have a dream speech" at Lincoln Memorial
August 30 Hot Line communications link between Washington D.C. and Moscow begins

September 1 Language laws in Belgium goes into effect causing a riot
September 1 WCTI TV channel 12 in New Bern, North Carolina (ABC) begins broadcasting
September 2 Alabama Governor George C. Wallace prevents integration of Tuskegee HS
September 2 CBS and NBC expand network news from 15 to 30 minutes
September 8 Algerian population accepts constitution
September 9 Alabama Governor George Wallace served a federal injunction to stop orders of state police to bar black students from enrolling in white schools
September 9 Landslide into Vaiont Dam emptys lake, kills 3-4,000 (Italy)
September 10 20 black students entered public schools in Alabama
September 12 WHYY TV channel 12 in Wilmington, DE (PBS) begins broadcasting
September 13 U.S. performs nuclear test at Nevada Test Site
September 15 4 children killed in bombing of a black Baptist church in Birmingham
September 15 Ben Bella elected 1st president of Algeria
September 15 WNTV TV channel 29 in Greenville, South Carolina (PBS) begins broadcasting
September 16 Malaysia formed from Malaya, Singapore, Br No Borneo and Sarawak
September 16 WVAN TV channel 9 in Savannah, Georgia (PBS) begins broadcasting
September 17 Train struck makeshift bus full of migrant workers, killing 32
September 18 U.S.S.R. orders 58.5 million barrels of cereal from Australia
September 22 Czechoslovakian premier Sikory deposed by Josef Lenart
September 23 Georgette Ciselet is 1st woman on Belgian Council of State
September 23 WMEB TV channel 12 in Orono, ME (PBS) begins broadcasting
September 24 Senate ratifies treaty with Britain and U.S.S.R. limit nuclear testing
September 26 1st edition of New York City Review of Books
September 26, Lee Harvey Oswald traveled on a Continental Trailways bus to Mexico.
September 27 At 10:59 AM census clock, records U.S. population at 190,000,000
September 29 Pope Paul opens 2nd sitting of 2nd Vatican council
September 30 56th Postmaster General: John A Gronouski of Wis takes office

October 1 Nigeria becomes a republic within Commonwealth
October 2 West German Chancellor Adenauer condemns western grain shipments to U.S.S.R.
October 3 Hurricane hits Haiti; about 5,000 die and 100,000 injured
October 4 Gambia achieves full internal self-government
October 4 Hurricane Flora, kills 6,000 in Cuba and Haiti
October 5 Hyde St. Pier re-opens as State Historical Park
October 7 Bobby Baker resigns as Senate Democratic secretary after being charged in a 300-thousand-dollar civil suit with using his influence for personal monetary gains.
October 7 Hurricane Flora hits Haiti and Dominican Republic, kills 7,190
October 7 John F. Kennedy signs ratification for nuclear test ban treaty
October 8 Sultan of Zanzibar cedes his mainland possessions to Kenya
October 9 British premier Harold MacMillan, resigns
October 9 Dam in Piave valley Italy, breaks' about 2,000 die
October 9 French air force gets 1st nuclear weapons
October 9 Hurricane Flora ravages Cuba and Haiti, kills 6,000
October 9 Uganda becomes a republic within British Commonwealth
October 10 Dam bursts in Italy, 3,000+ die
October 10 Netherland population hits 12,000,000
October 10 Treaty banning atmospheric nuclear tests signed by U.S., UK, U.S.S.R.
October 12 Archaeological digs begin at Masada, Israel  
October 14 Algeria and Morocco border conflict
October 14 WGHP TV channel 8 in Greensboro-High Point, North Carolina (ABC) begins
October 15 Ludwig Erhard follows Conrad Adenauer as West German Chancellor
October 16 2 secret U.S. military satellites launched from Cape Canaveral
October 16 New York newspaper "Mirror" last edition
October 18 IOC votes Mexico City to host 1968 Olympics
October 20 Alec Douglas-Home forms British government
October 20 France performs underground nuclear test at Ecker Algeria
October 20 South Africa begins trial of Nelson Mandela and 8 others on conspiracy
October 20 WITV TV channel 7 in Charleston, South Carolina (PBS) begins broadcasting
October 22 225,000 students boycot Chicago schools in Freedom Day protest
October 25 Anti-Kennedy "WANTED FOR TREASON" pamphlets scattered in Dallas
October 26 U.S. performs underground nuclear test at Fallon Nevada
October 30 Morocco and Algeria signs cease fire
October 31 J. Edgar Hoover last meeting with president John F. Kennedy
October 31 Leaking propane gas explodes, kills 64 at "Holiday on Ice" (Indiana)

November 5 U.S. Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson visits Netherlands
November 9 2 high-speed commuter trains collided with a derailed freight train
November 9 450 die in a coal-dust explosion and 160 die in train crash (Japan)
November 12 Train crash in Japan, kills 164
November 16 Toledo, OH newspaper strike began
November 16 Touch-tone telephone introduced
November 18 Bell Telephone introduces push button telephone
November 18 England's Dartford-Purfleet tunnel under Thames opens
November 18 King Hassan II opens 1st parliament in Morocco
November 19 Worst Canadian air disaster kills 118 in Montreal
November 21 John F. Kennedy flies to Texas
November 22 Lyndon Baines Johnson sworn in as 36th U.S. president
November 23 Horatio Alger Society founded
November 23 John F. Kennedy's body, lay in repose in East Room of White House
November 23 Lyndon Baines Johnson proclaims Nov 25 a day of national mourning (for John F. Kennedy)
November 24 1st live murder on TV-Jack Ruby shoots Lee Harvey Oswald
November 25 John F. Kennedy laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery
November 26 Explorer 18 launched
November 28 WHNT TV channel 19 in Huntsville, AL (CBS) begins broadcasting
November 29 Lyndon Baines Johnson sets up Warren Commission to investigate assassination of John F. Kennedy
December 1 Nagaland becomes a state of Indian union
December 2 1st Dutch rocket launched/reaches height of 10 km
December 4 Aldo Moro forms Italian government
December 4 Pope Paul VI closes 2nd session of 2nd Vatican Council  
December 8 3 fuel tanks explodes when jetliner is struck by lightning crashing near Elkton, Maryland-Only case of lightning caused crash, 81 die
December 9 Frank Sinatra, Jr. is kidnapped
December 9 Zanzibar gains independence from Britain
December 10 Zanzibar becomes independent within British Commonwealth
December 12 Argentina asks for extradition of ex-president Peron
December 12 Frank Sinatra, Jr. returned after being kidnapped
December 12 Kenya (formerly British East Africa) declares independence from UK
December 17 Tsjoi Doo Sun forms government in South Korea
December 17 West and East Berlin sign accord about travel rules
December 18 Muskegon, Michigan gets 3' of snow
December 19 Zanzibar becomes independent from UK
December 20 Berlin Wall opens for 1st time to West Berliners
December 20 Massemba-Debate elected President of Congo-Brazzaville
December 20 Trial against 21 camp guards of Auschwitz begins
December 22 Official 30-day mourning period for President John F. Kennedy ends
December 23 Fire on Greek ship Laconia, 128 die
December 24 Greek and Turks riot in Cyprus
December 26 U.S. furnishes cereal to U.S.S.R.
December 30 Congress authorizes Kennedy half dollar

I found the most interesting part in December.  Kenya, formerly British East Africa, declares independence from UK.  How can Barack H. Obama's birth certificate state he was born in 1961 in Kenya, when it was British East Africa?