
'If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel ." Benjamin Netanyahu
First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.


"If I bring a sword upon a land, and the people of the land take one man from among them and make him their watchman, and he sees the sword coming upon the land and blows the trumpet and warns the people, then he who hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, and a sword comes and takes him away, his blood will be on his own head.... But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his inequity; but his blood I will require from the watchman's hand." Ezekiel 33:2b-6 I have not been appointed, but I feel the weight of the watchman, because I see the sword coming. How can I not warn the people?

Yuri Bezmenov
Uploaded by onmyway02.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

How Politics Divides

I guess it's a really sad comment on the situation today.  I've been friends with a black woman from my church for at least 5 years.  She's on disability (though she works VBS every year and walks a lot).  She's not married (never been as far as I know) and has 4 children.  The youngest being 13.  I don't know if they all have the same father or not.  She's a prime example of abuse of the system.  She lives in a rent subsidized house, gets SSI and doesn't work, yet all 4 of her kids and she own a Blackberry phone.  I suppose it could be one of those Obama phones.  She gets her hair done nicely, nails, etc.  She eats out a lot, because she was also a friend on face book and checked in or commented every time she went out. 

I remember when her son got a job.  He also has a child with a woman he didn't marry, and doesn't support.  Somehow the government found out he had a job, so they cut down her rent subsidy.  She threw a fit, because he didn't give her any of that money, it was all spent on his clothes.  Well, duh, that means you don't need to buy him anything, he just became a renter.  When her oldest child moved out, they were going to make her move into a house with one less bedroom, because she no longer needed a 4 bedroom.  (Two of the girls are very close in age and shared a room.)  She threw a fit about that, too.  Moving would be such a hardship.

I've always known she was an Obama supporter.  Who wouldn't be when you get so much free stuff?  She doesn't care about his politics, he's the first black president.  She probably wouldn't believe anyone if they told her what he stands for.  I don't understand how a Christian can vote for someone who is pro-abortion and pro-Gay marriage.  I've been posting all the articles from black conservatives that I can find, like the BlackSphere (who I love, by the way, you should look him up on Face Book), Loyd Marcus (the Black Tea Party activist) and Bishop E. W. Jackson, Sr., etc who speak out against President Obama.  Some have religious reasons, some see he's a Marxist, American-hating bigot who wants to destroy free enterprise.  I guess what do they have to lose?  They don't pay taxes, so they think they're immune to tax increases. They get all this free stuff from the government, so why change it?  They just are too stupid to realize that when the unemployment rate goes up, less people are putting in taxes to pay for your free stuff. They are probably afraid if the Republicans get control, they might actually change the welfare system so that it's not a way of life anymore.  Then the government won't pay her to watch her illegitimate grandbaby or allow her, as an able-bodied person, to collect SSI, foodstamps and welfare.  I feel real sorry for them when the economy crashes.  Just like the poor people on the East coast....EBT cards don't work if you don't have power.

It's been a long tradition to "hang in effigy" people you don't agree with.  Here's the definition of effigy:


noun, plural ef·fi·gies.
1. a representation or image, especially sculptured, as on a monument.
2. a crude representation of someone disliked, used for purposes of ridicule.
Used for purposes of ridicule.  It's been a tradition since we were a colony.  I personally don't agree with it, as it seems (these days) to suggest violence on that person.  The left hung President Bush in effigy (and set him of fire), they did it to Sarah Palin.
My friend posted a picture where her second youngest daughter is going to college in southern Texas of a man who has an effigy of President Obama. (I still haven't figured out how she can afford to send a child to college, I know I couldn't.) Of course, whenever you say "hang" and "blackman" together in one sentence, you're a racist.  All her little minded friends chimed in about how racist it was, how awful, how despicable.  I was having a bad day (there have been a lot of those recently, possibly due to facing my own mortality through cancer, or just the number of idiots I run across on a daily basis), and I had to answer.  I asked the question:  Bet you didn't say anything when they hung President Bush in effigy.  First of all, they probably don't even know what effigy means...and aren't smart enough to look it up.  They see a "g" in a word associated with a blackman and think the "N" word.  She told me to get off her page.  I couldn't let that one go, because she's too stupid to realize that anything she comments on gets posted to my "wall."  So I told her, it gets posted to my wall, I'm not on your page.  So she said she'd have to delete me.  I saved her the trouble and unfriended her.
A week or so ago, I was talking to another dear friend of mine, a neighbor.  My husband and I were telling him about Obama and the Down Low club in Chicago.  He's also black, but 65 years old and a veteran of the United States Navy (Korea).  I asked him if he thought I was racist (Obama has me paranoid) and he laughed and asked why I would even ask something like that.  You see, I sometimes make comments without thinking with the politically correct mentality. I don't look at color, I look at how someone treats me. This friend is widowed, and if I were single and 10 years older, I'd be flirting with him.  He us just such a sweet guy.  I never even considered race until 2008.  I've only been called a racist because I don't like Obama.  Like it's been said before:  I don't like his white half either.
I get all the time, the comment that I just don't know what it's like to be prejudiced against.  Really?  Maybe I don't know what it's like to be black, but I know what prejudice is.  I lived 4 years in Hawaii, where white people are the minority.  I have an aunt who house sat for someone in Hawaii, and had to come home because she couldn't take being the minority.  I have a handicapped child.  I've actually had people steer their kids away from mine and not let them play with him because of his handicap.  Down Syndrome is not contagious, people. I know the pain of prejudice.
And for my final comment, get out of the past.  They drag up slavery all the time...we want to be treated better because our ancestors were slaves.  First of all, my ancestors were indentured servants, which is just a glorified word for slave.  Tell me something: how is lowering the standards for black people helping them?  How does affirmative action help educate black people? If you lower the standards, all you are doing is admitting that the black person isn't capable of learning.  So, we, as conservatives, try to educate them on how the Democratic party keeps them dependent on welfare and holds them down.  We point out how not one single Democrat voted to free the black man.  And what are we told?  That's the past, it doesn't matter.  Really?  I have never owned a slave, why should I be passed over because someone not as smart as me, but black, wants the same job?

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