Monday, August 27, 2012

War on Women

I get so tired of President Barack Hussein Obama's rhetoric about the Republican's war on women.  I barely remember the bra-burning era, so I had to do a little research.

According to Wikipedia (which is a left leaning organization, so you lefties can't argue it - it's not known for it's friendliness with the Republicans), the hippy movement started in the mid-60's.

Let's look at who was president during that time, meaning which side was in control.  Lyndon B. Johnson took over after President Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, so Democrats had control. He had control until the 1968 election, meaning January, 1969 it changed to Richard Nixon.  It became big (the hippie movement) in 1967, still under Democrat control.

Whenever you have a group of people who feel they've been slighted, it doesn't usually end just because a new party takes over.  President Nixon "inherited" (to use President Obama's rhetoric again) a mass disconnect with the female half of this population.

In 1967 they had a Summer of Love movement, still with Democrats in office.  If the Democrats are so pro-women and the Republicans are so anti-women, why did this movement start under the Democrats?

This article talks about the 70's as being the "wane" of the movement, meaning it was dying out.  This would be during President Richard Nixon's administration.  So, the bad, terrible, anti-women Republican party was in control, and the hippy movement start dying out.  Perhaps because people didn't feel things were so bad?

I'd just like someone to explain in specific examples just how the Republicans are anti-women.  And I don't want the excuse that they want to make abortion illegal, so that violates a woman's rights.   I tried to find what the ratio of boys to girls born in the United States is, and could only find this.  So, basically it's about 105 boys for every 100 girls. But how many girls are aborted?  If there are already more boys born, why would feminists want to abort females?  What rights do the unborn girls have?  If the Democratic party wants abortions to be available and paid for by the Government, aren't they anti-women?

Riddle me this...

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