
'If the Arabs put down their weapons today, there would be no more violence. If the Jews put down their weapons today, there would be no more Israel ." Benjamin Netanyahu
First they came for the communists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.


"If I bring a sword upon a land, and the people of the land take one man from among them and make him their watchman, and he sees the sword coming upon the land and blows the trumpet and warns the people, then he who hears the sound of the trumpet and does not take warning, and a sword comes and takes him away, his blood will be on his own head.... But if the watchman sees the sword coming and does not blow the trumpet and the people are not warned, and a sword comes and takes a person from them, he is taken away in his inequity; but his blood I will require from the watchman's hand." Ezekiel 33:2b-6 I have not been appointed, but I feel the weight of the watchman, because I see the sword coming. How can I not warn the people?

Yuri Bezmenov
Uploaded by onmyway02.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Federalist Papers Critique, Part 2

Concerning Danger From Foreign Force and Influence
by John Jay (Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs)

(As noted before, I am not a political analyst, nor am I the end all, tell all for the Federalist Papers. This is just my interpretation of what I think they are saying. Take it with a grain of salt.)

The question put before the American people will, by it's consequences become evident that it is very important. It is possibly the most important decision to ever engage their attention.

No one can argue that we need government. It's also undeniable that when government is put in place, the people will turn over some of their natural rights in order to vest those rights in the government. We should consider whether it be in the best interest of the people of America whether that should be under one nation or separate confederacies and give the head of each of those the said powers instead of one national government.

Up to now, it's been held that we should be united, and the wishes, prayers and efforts of our best and wisest citizens have been concentrated towards that effort. But now politicians are now saying that's wrong, and instead of looking for happiness in unity, we should split up into separate confederacies or sovereignities. No matter how this sounds, there are those that support it, and the numbers are growing. The arguments don't matter. Before you allow yourself to be swayed, make sure they're based on truth and sound policy.

(He looks on this country and notices that we aren't made up of individual distant territories, but on connected, fertile wide spreading country.) Providence (meaning God) blessed this land with a variety of soils and produce and streams and accommodations for it's inhabitants. A great variety of navigable streams form a chain around its borders as if to bind it together, while the most noble rivers in the world, running at convenient distance, make highways for transporting goods.

With equal pleasure, I've noticed Providence (God) seemed pleased to give this land to one united people - a people descended from the same ancestors, attached to the same principles of government, very similar in manners and customs and who have by fighting side by side established their general liberty and independence.

This country and this people seem to have been made for each other, and it appears to be designed by Providence (God). It seems our inheritance, for a band of brethren, united to each other by the strongest of ties, and we shouldn't be split into a number of unsocial, jealous and alien sovereignties.

This is a common sentiment among all orders and denominations of me among us. We're united in this thought. So far, we've been united as a people, enjoying the same national rights, privileges, and protection. As a nation we made peace and war; as a nation we have vanquished our common enemies; as a nation we have formed alliances, and made treaties and entered into various compacts and conventions with foreign states.

A strong sense of value and blessings of union caused the people, at a very early period, to set up a federal government to preserve and keep it going. They formed it almost as soon as they had a political existence, even while their houses were still in flames, while their people were still bleeding, before hostilities were even over. Starting a government before hostilities are over doesn't leave much room for calm and mature inquiries and reflections for the formation of a wise and well-balanced government for a free people. It's no wonder that under such unfavorable conditions that a government started would be deficient and inadequate for the purpose it was intended to answer.

There were intelligent people who realized this and regretted these defects. So, still no less attached to union, than loving liberty, they saw the danger that threatened the former (union) and more remotely the latter (liberty), and being persuaded that security for both could only be found in a national government wisely framed, they met in Philadelphia to consider that subject.

This convention was composed of men who possessed the confidence of the people and many of who had become highly distinguished by their patriotism, virtue and wisdom, in times which tried the minds and hearts of men. In a mild season of peace, with minds unoccupied by other subjects, they passed many months in cool, uninterrupted, and daily consultation; and finally, without having been awed by power or influenced by any passions except love for their country, they presented and recommended to the people the plan produced by their joint and very unanimous councils.

And that's why it is recommended, and not imposed. It is not recommended that you throw it out blindly, nor accept it blindly, but that you give it the magnitude and sedate consideration and importance of the subject it demands, and which it ought to receive. But, it's been already remarked, that it is more wished than expected that it may be so considered and examined. Experience has taught us on more than one occasion that it is a high hope. Let's not forget it was the fear of imminent danger that brought the people of America to form the memorable Congress of 1774. That body recommended certain measures to their constituents, and the event proved their wisdom; yet the press tore them apart and wrote against those very measures. Not only many of the officers of government, who obeyed the dictates of personal interest, but others, because they thought they'd be caught up in consequences, due to old attachments or whose ambition aimed at objects which did not correspond with the public good, were untiring in their efforts to persuade the people to reject the advice of patriotic Congress. Many were deceived and deluded, but the great majority of the people reasoned and decided judiciously; and happy they are in reflecting that they did so.

They considered that the Congress was composed of many wise and experienced men. They would be from different parts of the country, brought together and communicated to each other a variety of useful information. That, in the course of time they passed together in inquiring into and discussing the true interests of their country, they must have acquired accurate knowledge in the head. That they were individually interested in the public liberty and prosperity, and therefore that it was not less their inclination than their duty to recommend only such measures as, after mature deliberation, they really thought prudent and advisable.

These and similar considerations made the people rely greatly on the judgement and integrity of the Congress; they began to take their advice no matter the various arts and endeavors used to deter and dissuade them from it. But, if the people at large had reason to have confidence in the men of that congress, when they weren't fully tried or known, they have more reason now. They are even older now and have grown in political knowledge and proved their patriotism and are members of this convention and carry their acquired knowledge and experience.

It is worthy of remark that not only the first, but every succeeding Congress as well as the late convention have invariably joined with the people in thinking that America's prosperity is linked to it's being a Union. The reason of the convention was to keep it a union. What good purpose is it to depreciate, or make it of less importance? Why would you even suggest that three or four confederacies would be better than one? I am persuaded in my own mind that the people have always been right on this subject, and their attachment to the cause of the union rests on great and weighty reasons which I shall try to develop and explain in later papers. They who proclaim the substituting a number of distinct confederacies on the table as a plan for the convention to consider seem to foresee that the rejection of it would put the continuance of the Union in the utmost jeopardy. That certainly would be the case and I wish every good citizen would see that if the dissolution of the Union arrives, America will have reason to exclaim, in the words of the poet:


Saturday, January 30, 2010

Federalist Papers Critique, Part 1 - Introduction

I will be attempting to put into everyday language the Federalist papers. This is a huge task, and I don't even pretend to be the end all, tell all expert on this. This is just my understanding of it, in my humble, Midwestern education.

The subject of this paper tells how important it is. Understanding just the very existence of the UNION the safety and welfare of the parts that make up the UNION itself, and the fate of our empire are in many respects the most interesting in the world. It has been remarked (to Alexander Hamilton or his generation) that the people of this country, by the way they act and their example, will decide this important question: whether or not we are capable of establishing good government or whether we are destined to for ever depend on accident and force, presumably of others. That decision is made in that era, for all of us in our era. If they make a mistake, it would be the misfortune of all mankind. (They felt the weight of their decision.)

This concept adds the motivations of loving all of mankind to those of patriotism, and heightens the solitude that good men feel for this event. They must examine their true interests and make sure they are unbiased by considerations connected with the public good. (But he knew it was hard to do. And he knew there were special interests at hand.) Men have passions, points of view, prejudices that would get in the way of the discovery of truth.

The biggest obstacle to the new constitution would be a certain class of men in every State to resist all changes which would cause a lowering of power. (He knew that some men would lose power, and would be loath to give it up, once they got it.) Another obstacle would be the perverted ambition of another class of men who would hope to raise themselves by confusing their country, or to cause separations among the country instead of unifying the country under one government.

(But, that said, he doesn't want to dwell on that. Nothing to see here, let's move along. He knows he'd be lying if he thought he could squelch all the opposition of any set of men who are only interested in personal ambition.) Some will be seeking upright intentions. Some may be lead astray by others. We will see wise men on both sides of the questions and they may be serving a just cause out of a false bias to the judgement. So we must use our judgement and make sure we are right on any controversy. And those that advocate for truth are not always pure in their stand, either. Ambition, covetousness, personal animosity, party opposition and other motives are more praiseworthy sometimes and operate as well upon those who support as those who oppose the right side of the question. Just like in religion, you can't win people by beating them over the head with your ideas. (I believe the phrase here would be you attract more flies with honey than vinegar.)

(But he knows that passions will be unleashed across the nation.) According to the opposite party, we can conclude that they will together hope to show that their views are right and convince everyone of it by how loudly they talk and how bitter they attack. But their zeal is hostile to the principles of liberty. We will be represented as acting on the heart instead of the head, and against the public good. But, jealousy is usually the result of violent love, and noble enthusiasm of liberty and being infected with a spirit of narrow and illiberal distrust. It will also be forgotten that the vigor of government is essential to the security of liberty. We need a sound and well-informed judgement, and their interests can never be separated. A dangerous ambition often lurks behind that zeal for government efficiency that masquerades as a zeal for the people. History teaches that the first has been found to be a certain road to the introduction to despotism. These are the men who have overturned the liberties of republics. These men usually begin their career by paying a meanly servile court to the people, and ending as tyrants.

I want to keep my eye on putting you on your guard against all attempts to influence your decision in a matter of the utmost moment to your welfare other than the truth. These people are not friendly to the new constitution. After having considered it, I think it's in your best interest to adopt it. It is the safest course for your liberty, your dignity and your happiness. I'm not going to pretend to deliberate over it, when I've already decided. I will lay before you the reasons.

I propose in a series of papers to discuss the following particulars: The utility of the UNION to your political prosperity -- The insufficiency of the present Confederation to preserve that Union -- The necessity of a government with at least as much energy to do this -- A Constitution with the principles of a republican government -- it's analogy to your own State constitution --and lastly, to preserve liberty and property.

I will also try to answer the objections that have come up.

It may be thought of as shallow to offer arguments to prove the necessity of a UNION, no doubt engraved deeply on the hearts of a great body of people in every State, and it may be imagined that we have no adversaries. But it's been whispered that 13 states are too many and we need separate confederacies of distinct portions of the whole. This will probably be proposed until it has enough to be looked upon. It would be looked upon as an alternative to the new constitution or a dismemberment of the Union. It will therefore be of use to begin by examining the advantages of that Union, the certain evils and probable dangers that every state will be exposed to if it fell apart. We'll look at that next.

Life Before, a break from politics, well sort of

I was perusing the other blogs yesterday, and I noticed a few things. I told you in my introduction that I'm new to the blogosphere, and I'm gonna make mistakes. I thought I could pick up a few pointers from those who are more experienced at this than I am. There are a lot of you out there who have been doing this for years! Blogging can be what one makes of it.

I noticed blogs that apparently were just venues to vent. I noticed blogs that were more like online journals. Some were even shrines to their boyfriends, or family albums. What a great way to keep long distance families up to date with current events. What a great way to let someone in the city "in on" a view of country life.

I waxed a little nostalgic. I remembered what life was like before I read the health care bill. I ran across a blog on how to craft. I used to sit and knit. I knit quite well. I've been knitting since I was 8 years old. My dad taught me how to knit. His mom taught me how to crochet. My mom taught me how to do crewel embroidery. Her mom taught me how to quilt. My dad taught me that if you learn how to read instructions, you can teach yourself how to do anything.

My dad never went to college. He graduated high school, as did my mom. His parents didn't go to high school. Grandma made it to the 8th grade and grandpa made it to the 4th grade. But they were smart people. It was a different era then. I took a year of college as an art major. That's my drawing on my blog. I used to love Hank Williams, Jr. best of all. I say used to, because my tastes have broadened. I still like him, or his picture wouldn't be here. I can't draw like that anymore after working in a factory: carpal tunnel syndrome.

But I found bloggers are of all types, some are quite intelligent. It does make me wonder at the attacks I've gotten in the past for my views. If bloggers are so intelligent, why do I get attacked on an emotional level, and not with facts?

But I digress, because I wasn't going to make this blog a political one. My point was, and I believe I've made it, is that politics have invaded my life over the past year. There was a lady on the mom show that Glenn Beck did, who said it so well. I don't remember her exact wording, but she said this time last year we were talking about fashion and the Emmies, and now it's politics. For me it was shopping, fashion and knitting. And it was before my special needs son graduated from high school, so I was going to Star Buck's. Now I sit at home with him, and research. He exercises, and I research. He listens to AC/DC, and I research. I try to squeeze in house work somewhere. My husband is regretting getting me into politics.

I believe things now that I would have believed were conspiracy theory a year ago. Who would have thought a sitting president would call down the supreme court officials in a State of the Union address, a forum where they could not respond? And when they react, on a gut level, to a lie, they get called down in public again? And President Obama knows it's a lie, because he's a constitutional lawyer and teaches the constitution. Heck, I even understand it. They only repealed it because they know Americans are mad, don't have a lot of money and are going to pool their money in conservative organizations to back the candidates they want to. They also know they are going to wait until 60 days before election and smear the good candidates. Then we can't do anything to stop them. They'll already have all their money. The Tea Party is, by American values, disorganized. We're made up of individuals. That's the American way. We ARE individuals. I'm not even part of it. I have never been to a rally. I have only donated once. I don't have any extra money to donate. I donated $20 to, oh who was the candidate? Huffman? I could only pray for Scott Brown.

Will I ever be able to go back to just sitting and knitting? I don't know. I consider myself a patriot. I pulled my head out of the sand and looked around. I don't like what I see. I can't just stick my head back in the sand and let the progressives take over. What if they decide that knitting isn't good for me? What if they decide that my handicapped son doesn't deserve to live? It's not good for society. I do have a couple brain cells to rub together and I did study history a bit. That scares me. They are even coming out of the woodwork and calling themselves progressives now. Wow, bold. I challenge you to get an OLD history book and look up progressives. Can you say eugenics? I don't know if they'll go with race, but I think they'll go with class. And I don't think they'll let anyone else climb the ladder. That's not the American way.

That's Obama's first lie. He doesn't want America to be number two? Yea, right. Well, I guess I proved my point. Politics have invaded my life. Washington, I know how to research, and this isn't just aimed at the top. We're watching all of Congress.

Friday, January 29, 2010

Barack Obama and the Prom Queen

I just realized what America is like. It's like America has been at a bar. America has been busy partying, drinking away, some have never drank before and are a bit tipsy. Those are the ones who are excited about having a black man for president. Whoo Hoo! It's a party. He is a handsome man! Did they even listen to the words he was saying when he was in campaign mode? Who cares? Just look at him? He's gonna represent us when he gets in office. We've been held down so many years. Does it matter that we were held down by his kind? Kind of like the big Frat boy who comes in and there's Betty, on the bar dancing because she's had one too many. He talks her into taking her top off. Pretty soon he's got her not only dancing on the bar with out her top, he's slipped her a date rape drug in her drink, and walked her home.

Then he invited the rest of the frat house over. That would SEIU, the prescriptions drug companies, whoever he can think of. Now some of them have scruples. They see poor Betty just lying there and they start discussing how, now this just ain't right. The big frat guy knows this drug ain't gonna last forever...he starts bribing, cajoling and badgering them to get in line.

He finally gets everyone in line. That's when the policies start coming....the rape of the Prom Queen. Well, that's about the time the drug starts to wear off. Now America wakes up...but it's a bit too late. Everything is in place. Do you think she'll be upset? She may turn into Carrie at the Prom.....Have you heard the phrase Hell hath no furry like a woman scorned?

What we are doing is banging on the door, trying to wake her up because we are the neighbors who hear the party going on next door and we saw them drag her in. We know she's not conscious. We are concerned citizens who can't watch and do nothing. Can we wake her before it's too late? We don't need another Carrie. I saw that movie...it didn't end well.

Lori Ann Smith
I stand for freedom, though none stand with me, until they knock me down and I can stand no more

Life As An American, Mr. President

This was originally posted on January 26, 2010, on another forum that I belong to, but still by me. I am reposting it here, authenticating it as my original work. As you read, remember, it was the eve of the State of the Union Address. And it is documented that this was published before the speech, and not today, on both Asamom.org and ProudtobeaMom.com.

Life as an American, Mr. President

On the eve of the Presidential State of the Union Address, I feel compelled to explain to the President what it's like to be an American. I feel as if I am a typical American; me and all my sisters and the few brothers who accompany me on my web sites who blog. I don't know their experiences, but I am sure they echo my own, and mine are all I can write of, so here I go.

I was raised in a small town by Democrats. Yes, Democrats actually love their country, and have served their country in the military and died for their country in that service. In that respect, Mr. President, you have over-played your hand. You have shown your socialist colors. We know you're about to turn and eat your Democrat party that you have invaded. It has gotten to the point that my parents are now claiming to be Independents. My extended family is still Democrats. They're still proud Democrats, maybe because they still hold to the belief that you are a Democrat and could never destroy America, because no good Democrat ever would.

My parents instilled in me a sense of work ethic that has stuck with me. A job worth doing, is a job worth doing well. If you can't do it right, don't do it at all. My grandpa on my Dad's side made his own knives and jewelry out of scrap steel. My dad was born during the depression, in 1932. Grandpa worked in the shipyards in New Orleans, LA., at one time, not sure of the timing there. I believe Dad was 3 years old. Dad was an only child. Mom was the oldest of 7.
I didn't have name brand clothes, and it never bothered me. Mom told me she would buy me a name brand if I wanted, but it would mean one pair, as opposed to 3 pair of this other brand. I was a practical person. We shopped for clothes once a year, right before the school year. Mom always made sure we had clothes for school. Looking back, I'm not sure she bought herself new clothes. She sewed, and she mended a lot of things. I learned to alter things to make them fit better. I had a small waist and got hips for my 12th birthday.....I learned to alter things at an early age, too.

My favorite Christmas was when my Dad was on strike. Now this is gonna blow you away, Mr. President. I was about 3 years old. Dad was worried that he wasn't going to be able to buy me and my brother presents. He was on strike, I blame the unions. He was only getting what little they pay you for walking a picket line. He had a very part time job at a Phillips 66 station. The Phillips 66 station gave him 2 tanker trucks for free. He wrapped them up and put them under the tree with a couple other things. I have a picture of me holding my dolly and sitting on that truck. If it weren't for the picture, I wouldn't remember the dolly. I remember that truck.

The plant folded after that, and Dad went to work for Procter and Gamble. They aren't union. They pay better than unions in order to keep the unions out. Unions strong arm people.

I don't ever remember going without, unless you count the fact that I didn't get my pony. But we lived on the edge of town, and across the county road was a farm. They had a pony, and I just adopted him. So, in a way, I did get my pony. I had a friend who had the Barbi Dream House. I wanted one so bad, so I put it on my wish list for my birthday. Mom checked it out. She told me years later it was too expensive. She found a Barbi Campout, and it was cheaper. She thought I'd like it better, since I went camping with my grandparents all the time. She was right. I was thrilled. No one I knew had a Barbi Campout. I felt special.

I went to a "town" school up until the second grade. That's when we moved out into the country. I moved in the middle of the second grade. I was teased incessantly. There wasn't anyone to stop the teasing. We didn't have someone to say it "bruised our egos" and it shouldn't go on. I turned out just fine. I wear glasses, got called 4-eyes. I wore braces and got called tin-grin. My mom fixed up my hair and teased it for picture day, and got called hair-spray. When I got excited on the bus, my voice would get so high-pitched only dogs could hear it....they called me squeaker. I was skinny, got teased for that. I was smart, got teased for that. Teachers like smart kids, got called teacher's pet. I learned by the time I decided to date, that if I pretended I had no common sense, the boys wouldn't mind because a smart girl with no common sense was acceptable. Otherwise, boys don't date girls that are smarter than them, unless they have a test coming up. So why, Mr. President, do you want to legislate behavior? A whole generation went through teasing and isn't worse for the wear. Were you teased, and it did affect you? Maybe you didn't have the benefit of loving parents telling you it was ok? Maybe that's the difference. If you have parents steeped in communism and hate, I guess it's different.

After high school, I decided the best I could do was more school. I was good at that, so I got a scholarship and continued my education. I had a major in Art, emphasis in commercial art with a minor in photo-journalism. I really wanted to be a photo-journalist. But after a year I dropped out and joined the Navy. I tried to come in as a photographer. Wouldn't that have been grand? Instead, I went in as an Ocean System Technician, Analyst. How ironic. You're a communist, and I was tracking Russian submarines, and fighting communism....hmmm. My husband tells me I was on the the tip of the spear, but it was just a job to me. You see, I had to fill out a form answering questions like, do you know any communists? Does your family know any communists? Have you ever been a member of a communist party? Have you ever attended a rally for communists? I believe they even asked if I had been to a communist country, but I don't remember for sure on that one. It has been 26 years. I wouldn't have been granted my secret clearance had I answered yes to those questions. How did you get your secret clearance, Mr. President?

Through the eyes of the military, I became a Republican. It's also where I met my husband. I've been married for 21 years now. It's been a bit bumpy, but aren't all marriages? He's been into politics the whole marriage. I haven't. You know what got me into politics? We have a son with Down Syndrome. I read the health care bill. I can read the writing on the wall. I know what's in store for him with this bill. I know down the road, health care will be rationed and he'll fall through the cracks. He'll be deemed not a contributing member of society. You know what? If it weren't for that boy, and his unconditional love, I wouldn't have found Christ myself. Of course, I guess in your book, that's probably a reason in and of itself to get rid of him. Did you know, even as much bad as he hears about you, he asks for prayer for you most times we sit around our supper table? His heart is huge.

And you, Mr. President want to politicize a tragedy in Haiti. You are such a narcissist that you believe that the only way people will give is if you get involved. Do you think all of us have our heads buried and won't look up from our stuff unless you tell us to? I didn't catch the exact statistics on how much America gave, but it staggered my mind, considering we are in a recession, and it was out of our abundance. I didn't know we had any abundance. I know I don't. I just had to pay $619 for a hot water heater (when it was covered by the home warranty) that I didn't have. That's what the home warranty didn't cover. That's thanks to unions changing code over the last 7 years. Unions are strangling America, not helping. And you're in bed with them.

So, Mr. President, I just wanted to give you a picture of what an average American is like. We are involved in the daily care of our children. We try to raise them to be honest, hard working, contributing members of society. We have to take care of our houses, fix the things that break. We buy home warranties, and expect them to work. We don't really expect the unions to go behind us and change the rules on us, like changing code, so it's an uphill battle. We don't expect huge corporations to buy up every aspect of something, like the person who inspects our home, warranties our home, sprays for our bugs, puts in our water softener, tends our grass, supplies our food, sells our home improvement supplies, or the construction supplies and electrical stuff to the construction people; in other words has a monopoly on the market. And then have you stand up and say you're going to get rid of all big corporations - except them because they donate to you. I'm talking about Clayton, Dubilier and Rice. Research them. They own everything, but they're ok fat cats, because they donate to the socialist party...oops I mean Democratic party agenda.

Can you hear me now?

Lori Ann Smith
I stand for freedom, until they knock me down and I can stand no more
If you agree with this, pass it along to any and all who will listen

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Trust Me, I'm With The Government, I'm Here to Help

Well, I was always the rebel child, and I recognize condescension when I hear it. I recognize patronizing speaking when I hear it. I recognize telling people what they want to hear, when I hear it. Did he hold a private conference with all the Progressives and say, don't worry, I don't mean a word I'm about to say? You have Bobble-head Biden and Puppet Master Pelosi in the background. Why do I call them that? Well, I saw Speaker Pelosi grab the President of the United States and pull him in and say something to him. Now, who in their right mind, would do that? Since when does the Speaker of the House think she can shake the hand of the President of the Free World and feel she has enough power to pull him towards her for a comment? Rather familiar, aren't we? He was almost caught off balance. Is she the Puppet Master? Is President Obama the Key Master? We have got to get the two of these together...no wait, different movie. Who ya gonna call?

And how dare he start out mentioning the constitution, the man who has stomped all over it. Is he trying to pull together the tea party movement? Is he placating, or what? As an overall critique, I counted 3 blame Bush's, 1 blame Americans, 3 blame Wall Street and a couple blame the banks. But I was watching and not keeping close count. I have to admit, this is the first State of the Union address I have watched all the way through, ever. I also caught him in 4 lies. Me, and I am new to politics, caught him in 4 lies. I'm not a political analyst. I am an average American citizen, a mom. And I caught him in lies. I'm worried because my children's future is at stake.

1. He said he was against the bank bailouts. Didn't he do them? He sold us on it. He told us it was necessary. He told us it was a good thing. Now he's against them?

2. He told us if we had done nothing unemployment would be double what it is now. WHAT? He told us if we do nothing, unemployment will go as high as 8%....it's 10.5 reported if you don't count the people who have given up....if you count the people who have given up, I believe the numbers are as high as 17%...I don't have those numbers on hand. We HAD to do the stimulus because to do nothing would be BAD. Now doing nothing would have caused 20% umemployment? Wait, is that new math?

3. You can keep your doctors and your plan. I have read the health care plan. I know this is a lie. If ANYTHING in your health care plan changes, a deductible, they drop a doctor, ANY ONE SINGLE THING, the plan goes away. In the senate version, if the insurance company is out of compliance, they will be fined $1 per life covered PER DAY that they are out of compliance. Let's say they have 1 million people covered. The Secretary of Heath services says they're out of compliance.....they owe 1 million dollars a day until they are in compliance. Can they rewrite the policy in one day?

4. The health care bill will reduce the deficit. This might be a lie on the surface, but if you count all the insurance companies that will be out of compliance, it might be the truth. And if you count the death panels and the number of people the health care will kill, it might be the truth. Now, libs, don't tell me there aren't death panels. Can you say mammogram guidelines? There's also a line in there about insurance companies will use established guidelines to determine what they will pay for, and what to cover. So, who can just go out and pay for a mammogram if their insurance company doesn't? I can't. Insurance company says no, you don't get one. I got breast cancer at the age of 41. I'd be dead.

Now, for specifics. He mentioned struggles. How does he know about struggles? He lived a life of privilege. Didn't he have a step father in the embassy? Then he got sent to his Hawaiian banker grandmother? He got a grant for college? Where's the struggle? Oh, he's read about it. Let's see, my brother got given a car, he didn't take care of it. He bought one and took care of that one. It's different when you live through it versus reading about it.

He talks about taxing all the big banks. Did he take any economic classes? I did. If you tax a company, do you think they will consider it their patriotic duty to just absorb that? No. They are going to pass it along to their consumers. They are going to suddenly start charging for everything. Just like suddenly we have to pay for every bag we check on the airlines. Oh, it's to pay for gas. That's like taking a cab ride and having to pay for the gas, too. Why doesn't he just shut down the banks? Because he knows the American people would scream socialism. They did that in the early 1900's. Have you noticed the definitions on the internet lately? No one really can tell you what socialism is. It's taking over the banks, businesses, by the government. This way he can regulate them out of business and say he didn't do it on a socialist ticket. Because what do you think the American people are going to do when their banks start charging them for everything...no more free checks, charges for transfers, charges for more than 5 auto transfers to cover a bounced check or whatever? They are going to look for a smaller bank. The big banks are going to be looking for a bail out, or they're going to collapse. And he said that all with that angry face...that's his I had to say it face.

And we didn't get a tax break....I didn't see it in my paycheck. I saw withholding go down. I mentioned that in my introduction. Am I going to owe it back? I'll let you know after I file.

And he did that whole "I don't accept second place for America," speech? Where did this patriotism come from? Since when is he even remotely patriotic? Since he became president? Since he's promoting a socialist Amerika? And that's not a typo, I think he wants Amerika. He knows so much better than WE, THE PEOPLE, what is best for us. It's like Hilary, I'm not a Democrat, I'm a Progressive. Progressive = Socialist. In her own words, America.

The sarcasm was just dripping from his speech, even the "I thought I'd get applause with that one." The Republicans could feel it. They don't like being locked out of the process. Even when the Republicans did have a majority, they didn't close the door and say you don't matter, Democrats, we're going to just forget you exist. And he speaks of trust? He wants transparency, without calling down the Democrats for hiding behind closed doors and making policy. And actually stand there and say he doesn't have lobbyists? Does he think we're all stupid? I've been in politics for a year, I may be naieve, but I ain't stupid. I know how to do research. And I don't get all my information from one spot, either.

And as a side note, someone should tell Pelosi that we can see her read the telepromter. Let the President read his own teleprompter. We don't need to know that you know before us what he's gonna say. At least pretend you don't know what he's gonna say.

And through the whole "pick yourself up by your bootstraps" part of the speech, he looked so bored. He doesn't believe or care if Americans are tough. He wants Americans to be European. Why is it that he can come up with such passion when another country needs help?

And in closing, I have a question? Where was the shout out to the police officers who took down the Fort Hood terrorist? I mean, they were sitting right beside your wife, Mr. President. Did you not see them? I mean, she is a petite little thing, sitting next to that Amazon of a woman. And I don't know her partner's politics, did you overlook him because they don't match yours, or because he's in the military? Or is it just because Major Hasan is Muslim, and we shouldn't jump to conclusions?

I may live in Texas currently, but I was born in Missouri. Show me I can trust you. Until then I feel like I stepped into Men In Black...Trust me, I'm with the government, I'm here to help. Only Will Smith is better looking.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Progressives in History

My husband has an excellent set of History books, college level, that are just astounding in their insight. As a matter of fact, they're the ones I used in my Open Letter To President Obama. (Which I may post at a later date.) I've been tossing around the concept of the 100 year plan that the Progressives had, and, though it doesn't come out and say they had a 100 year plan, these books are where I got that idea. I've been asked a couple times to explain that, so this is my attempt to do just that.

At the turn of the century, the liberals chose to call themselves Progressives because they figured the people would be for progress. We were making huge leaps in progress at that time. There were new inventions all the time: the telephone, electric lighting, the automobile, the streetcar, the airplane, motion pictures, marketing of goods was quickly being developed, farmers were enjoying unprecidented prosperity and gold had been discovered in 1896 in Alaska. Although there had been a banking panic in 1907, there was a framework of prosperity set. We had a mindset of progress, of prosperity in America. All the progressives had to do was link themselves to reform and progress. And they also linked big government to progress. You had to have big government in order to have progress, in their minds.

They had already established Darwinism as fact by this time. The fittist survive. The unfit die out. There is a quote from John D. Rockefeller: " The growth of a large business is merely a survival of the fittest.....This is not an evil tendency of business. It is merely the working out of a law of nature and a law of God." So, by linking these concepts together, they established as fact that those against them were against progress, and would die out because they were weak. They were becoming more elite, a higher form of society, evolving. They were also pushing that the United States was a democracy, or that it ought to be. We are a Republic, not a Democracy. But as you see here, the progressives were the elite, not the conservatives. They were not for the common man.

In 1911, they turned their agenda to the school system. Charles A. Ellwood said, that the schools should be used as "a conscious instrument of social reconstruction." The progressives wanted to throw out religious and humane learning, (I take that as the humanities, or arts) and experiment with what would work. They wanted to "socialize" the young. This is when child-centered education began. This started the schools down the road towards what we have now, with the Department of Education taking the control away from the teacher in the classroom.

The progressives had even crept into the Christian movement, according to these texts, who call them the social gospellers. It calls them the most vicious attackers of the American economic system, calling for reform of our tax system. So, in the early 1900's socialists had infiltrated the churches and were calling on reforms and using God's word to back it up. They are the ones who basically were against the free market and started this whole movement that it was against God to be rich.

This is when muckraking became popular. I guess that's what we're doing. Expose articles became popular because the people were hungry for the truth about what was really going on. They list David Graham Phillips' Treason of the Senate...sound familiar?

Originally, Democratic Parties in the south were deemed private parties and excluded blacks. Even with the 14th amendment, blacks were only allowed to vote in the general elections. I guess they didn't want them voting until they had decided who they could vote for. And the south and become solidly Democratic. The progressives were the ones who pushed for segregation. They turned on the black voters. In the late 1800's there was no segregation, there was natural separation, but no forced segregation. By World War I, widespread segregation had been established in the states of the old Confederacy and the neghboring states. By 1930, Birmingham ordinance prohibited Negroes and whites from playing dominoes or checkers together. Two things need to be noted. Segregation was imposed by whites. White superiority was proclaimed, and black inferiority was assumed. Booker T. Washington, a prominent Black leader of the period, told everyone: "to suffer in silence," and to exercise "patience, forebearance, and self-control in the midst of trying conditions." He wanted them to improve themselves and compete in the market. What a smart man, beyond his years. But I have to admit, I don't think I would be able to under those conditions. I believe it was all orchestrated to chose a scapegoat for their future plans. And it's dispicable to choose a whole race for your plans...

Did you know that in 1894 they tried to institute an income tax but found it to be unconstitutional? The constitution says that taxes are to be given out by the states according to population, and by consent...and that's not an income tax, is it? The progressives got around that by amending the tariff bill. This was our first redistribution of wealth, from the rich to the subsidized or unproductive in society. In 1913 is also when we ratified direct election of our Senators. Originally, the Senators were to represent the States, not the people. It was supposed to be one of the checks and balances, so the States had some control over congress.

The progressives were in power nationally from 1901 until 1921, covering the presidencies of Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard Taft, and Woodrow Wilson. Roosevelt refered to his program as the Square Deal, and Wilson had his New Freedom. Neither one professed to be socialists, but they set the country on a path towards socialism. Roosevelt said himself, "The New Nationalism puts the national need before sectional or personal advantage. . . .This New Nationalism regards the executive power as the steward of the public welfare. It demands of the judiciary that it shall be interested primarily in human welfare rather than property..." Wilson said of his New Freedom, "I believe that the time has come when the government of this country, both state and national, have to set the stage...for the doing of justice to men in every relationship of life....Without the watchful interference, the resolute interference, of the government, there can be no fair play between individuals and such powerful institutions as the trusts. Freedom today is something more than being let alone. The program of a government of freedom must in these days be positive, not negative merely." In other words, it's the government's job to be pro-active.

The history book says that in the 1920's, the intellectuals felt alienated from America. They fled to Europe.

The Great Depression began with the stock market crash of 1929. Herbert Hoover was the President, and was considered a cold and calloused president. Actually, he believed that the government should play no roll in picking Americans up out of the low place they were in, that it should be the place of private charities and businesses. He said that once government became the saviour, they would forever be dependant on government aide of some kind. Sound familiar? The Depression was the end of the conservatives in power. So the conservatives only had power from 1922-1932. Franklin D. Roosevelt was elected in 1932, and the progressives were back in office. He accused the present administration of too much spending, but said that he would spend money on American citizens in order to keep them from starving in the depression. Does that sound familiar? Blame the past administration and spend, spend, spend, but I have an excuse to do so.

At no point in history had any administration had so much been done in the first 100 days to "take care" of the American people, or assert so much authority over our economy. Unless you count the current administration. At one point Roosevelt openly threatened congress, saying if they didn't act, he would take the power and act himself. We were in the midst of a Depression, so the American people didn't see it as a usurption of power.

One of the biggest lies, apparently, was Social Security. It was also the biggest redistrubution of wealth programs the socialists ever came up with. It was set up as a 1% tax on wages and a 1% match by employers and was to be put in a trust fund in the Treasury. An accumulation was to accur. It was set up to slowly increase. Later it was described as an insurance program, I suppose for insuring when you retire. There were programs set up within Social Security that were redistribution programs from the beginning: unemployment compensation, aid to dependant children, maternal and child care, to crippled children, to neglected children, for public health programs. Social Security turned out to be a pyramid scheme. The people coming in to Social Security pay the ones who came in a long time ago. Don't people go to jail for setting up pyramid schemes?

Harry S. Truman became President upon FDR's death, but it doesn't claim he was a progressive. Although he didn't run as a progressive, his Fair Deal plan included a national health insurance for Americans, new "civil rights" legislation, Fair Employment Practices enactments, housing legislation, farming legislation with subsidies, and expansion of the welfare programs...sounds progressive to me. He instituted subsidies to reduce the rent for low income families. The minimum wage was increased to 75 cents an hour. They also increased low interest loans to farmers. The national health insurance was voted down because the people realized it was the first step to socialized medicine. One bill called for paying subsidies directly to farmers instead of driving up the cost of farm products when farm income fell below a certain level. They said it sounded too much like socialism.

When Eisenhower got elected in 1956 there was little known about his political views. Would he get rid of the welfare state? He was the first Republican since the beginning of the New Deal. He described himself as "basically conservative," and said that, "in the last twenty years creeping socialism has been striking in the United States." But, by 1954, it was clear that he wasn't going to take on the welfare state. Eisenhower accepted the Welfare state as fact. Eisenhower came in talking about how frugal we should be, but he had the hightest deficit in peacetime history to that point: 12.4 billion. He turned out to be a middle of the road Republican. Or is it a DIABLO? Either way, he couldn't turn the tide back from the path to socialism.

In 1960, we elected John F. Kennedy, the youngest man elected to the office of President of the United States of America. He did institute several programs, but this series said he had a hostile Democratic congress. Upon his assassination, Lyndon B. Johnson became President.

Johnson pushed the Great Society, which was real close to being openly socialist. Apparently, Barry Goldwater saw the significance of it, and he pushed for liberty in his campaign and lost the moderates to Johnson. Johnson wasn't bothered by scruples, and used a combination of arm twisting, cajolery and trades to get the bills he wanted passed in a Democrat controlled Congress. the National Republican Congressional Committee classified it as a 3B congress: bullied, badgered and brainwashed. Does that sound familiar? Johnson probably did more for the socialist movement than did any modern president. The only thing that stopped his momentum was the Viet Nam War. It also ended his presidency.

After World War II, America has even pushed Welfare abroad. As quoted from this history book, " ...the United States promoted welfarism and subsidized socialism in Europe." The Eupropean Recovery Program allows countries to trade with each other, yet shields them from the world market. They are also dependant on the United States.

This brings our history up to modern times, so I'll quit here. Besides, my mind is boggled. I am now in my generation, and had just no idea of what had gone on before my birth. The victor writes history. And history is being rewritten all the time. Luckily, we have the power to elect our officials, and we have periodically disrupted their plan through out these 100 years. But you can see how the path has wandered and meandered through our history. We are well on the path to a nanny state. I have gotten a much better appreciation for President Hoover. I had always heard that he was the cold and callous man, that he wouldn't even help people during the depression. But that isn't entirely true, is it. It's like the Bible says. Give a man a fish and help him for a day. Teach him to fish and help him for a life time. If we continue to put people on welfare, and leave them there, they will have learned helplessness. I have a handicapped son. When I was teaching him self-care when he was very young, I was told not to give up when he acted as though he didn't know how to do it. Any child will act as though he doesn't know how to get dressed if he thinks you're going to dress him. Why put out the effort if he doesn't have to? If he can stand there and hold up his arms and you'll put on his shirt, why should he struggle to do it himself? It's called learned helplessness. If I show how hard of a time I'm having, you'll come help me, and I won't have to do it. I did the same thing to get out of weeding the cucumber with my mother. I weeded the cucumbers instead of the weeds. It's human nature.

Sooner or later you have to cut off the aide. I'm not against Welfare. Maybe there should be a time limit. That would encourage people to do something to better themselves. Everyone falls on hard times, and needs a hand up. But, there are an awful lot of nanny state programs, and there are people out there to tell you how to play the government and get your "fair" share. And to broaden government aide to include 150% of poverty and include government run health care? I don't think so. We should be shrinking government involvement. We need another Herbert Hoover about now.

Source: A Basic History of the United States, Volumes 1-5, by Clarence B. Carson, copyright American Textbook Committee, 1985, Tenth Printing, July 1994

Lori Ann Smith
I stand for Freedom, though I stand alone, until they knock me down and I can stand no more.


As a way of introducing myself, I am new to the blogosphere. You will find out more about me as time goes on. My name, as I sign it on my blogs, and I'm not afraid to post it as most liberals seem to be, is Lori Ann Smith. And that's my real name. I am quite sure I will make a lot of mistakes, but I have my fireproof panties on, and I am set to go, so I'm diving in...

I am a conservative.....uh oh...I've outed myself right off the bat. There go the liberals. Their radar is up, and the magnifying glasses are on. You see, there is a difference right away between a liberal and a conservative. We withhold judgement. But I need those fireproof panties because I've jumped into the real world, not the conservative protected blogs I've been a part of up until now. But I feel that so much of America is asleep.

I am currently registered as a Republican, but am rethinking that. I may change to an Independent. Did I just shock the Democrats out there? Let me shock both the Democrats and the Republicans. I was raised a Democrat. I've seen both sides of the fence. The current administration is NOT my father's party. They say with their mouth that they are for "the little people." What do they know about the little people? I've been poor. I still am. I'm paying 2 mortgages. Not because I own a summer house, either. I'm a cancer survivor and I moved to Texas and bought a house with my in-laws. Let's just say 2 strong women shouldn't live together, and leave it at. We're now trying to sell that house, while I live in another house. I don't see Washington, D.C. doing anything to help the little people. You think they did something with our pay? I didn't see my husband's paycheck go up any. I did see his with-holding go down....I'm worried about that. I haven't filed my taxes yet, but I'm worried I'm gonna owe a huge amount that I don't have. They say that's our tax break, they didn't take as much out of our check....so? Are we gonna owe it back now? We'll see....

I still have Democrat family members. My parents are starting to correct me. They're claiming Independent status. I've alienated a few others in my extended family since the current administration took office. I didn't become politically active with Bill Clinton. He was just a Democrat to me. Big Deal, my guy didn't win. But Barack Obama was different. You see, he's not a Democrat. I know Democrats. I know Democrats who have died for their country. They love America. They don't want to destroy America. I believe in my heart that Barack Obama does want to destroy America....to fundamentally transform it into something that is not supported by the Constitution.

Here's a little background on how I got into this fight. I got a face book account. Whoo hoo, joined the 21st century. I found a game. In this game, they suggested you join a couple groups. I joined one on hot topics and current events, at my husband's suggestion. He thought it would help me be able to discuss things with him. He's been into politics for 20+ years. He's a talk radio addict. They were talking about the health care bill and I felt so uninformed. I called it up on the Internet, because I do know research, and read it. At least most of the 1500 pages of it. It scared me. I became a crusader against it. I got so flamed by the left, by people who weren't reading it, it's unbelievable. I hadn't purchased my fireproof panties yet. I actually had people take it to a personal level and involve my children, calling me a baby killer because I was for Israel. Then, because I have a son with Down syndrome, they actually had the nerve to tell me to take him for a walk instead of letting him sit on the couch and eat potato chips and get fat. Let's see, the right is the one who are racist, and discriminate and jump to conclusions, right? not the left? well....

So I retreated to a safe ground for a while. I've been blogging to the choir. I've been on Asamom and Proud to be a mom. But preaching to the choir doesn't wake up America, now does it? I have come to the conclusion that this administration, the socialist aspect of it anyway, thinks we're all stupid, and I just can't take it anymore. I have my fireproof panties, and I'm ready.

Now hold on, liberals.......I listen to Glenn Beck....wait for the backlash.... He made a statement that basically described how I feel. HE ACTUALLY QUOTED THE BIBLE! OMGosh! Yes, I'm a Christian, too. That should get some more mad at me on the far left. But he quoted Ezekiel. Basically, and this is extremely paraphrased if you know the sword is coming, and you blow the horn in warning, and the people hear and do nothing, and someone dies, your blood is not held accountable. But if you see the sword coming and you don't warn the people and someone dies, their blood is on your head. All those of us who see it coming are doing our best to warn those of you who apparently are still asleep. We feel it is our duty. Whether you heed our warning or not is not our concern. We are doing our duty. We know as surely as we breathe that we will be held accountable for your very lives. This is not conceit. This is a burden. If we're wrong, and we blogged, you just had to listen to our chatter. If we're right, and we did nothing, it would mean our very souls.