Thursday, April 18, 2013

What a Week

This has been a week to remember, but not in a good way.  I'm sure others have a story to tell too, and I'm thankful that I haven't been involved in the terror attacks of this week.  I also pray for those who have been affected, either personally or through loved ones being injured/lost.

My week started Monday morning at about 7:00 AM.  I was having a racing heart beat, pulse of 124.  I monitored it until 9:00 AM, when my cardiologist's office opened.  My husband had gone on to work, since I had 2 older sons at home that could help me if I needed it. When I explained the situation, he said come on in when I could and they'd fit me in.  He also said be prepared, I might end up in the ER.  So I called my husband home to take me.

The doctor was listening to my pulse, and started out with, "It sounds fine."  Then he got a shocked look on his face and said, a bit alarmed, "It's doing something now!" He determined that the little bit of fluid in my lung (from the cancer) was pressing on my heart and causing the irregular heart beat.  He sent me to the ER.

I had just had my vitals taken, when all hell broke loose at Medical City, Dallas.  Three squad cars came racing up and a female officer ran in to the ER shouting they needed a gurney because they had an officer shot.  Mass confusion/chaos ensued.  They ended up walking the officer in, with an officer on each arm.  I think every single officer in the Dallas area descended upon that hospital.  I kinda felt sorry for the staff.  They already had every room full and were expecting delays.  They started sending the PA out with his little portable lap top to get additional information, they called a lab tech from another part of the hospital to do blood tests, and they were trying to get all the chest X-rays done that they could.  I ended up 6 hours before I even got a room.  Then I spent 6 hours in that room while they tried to figure out what was wrong. 

While in the waiting room, they were playing FoxNews, and I learned of the Boston Terror Attack.  I watched in horror all the scenes playing before my eyes.  I felt as though it would be another 9/11; where were you when you heard about Boston?

I ended up in observation for 23 hours, getting to the room at 8:30.  I had nothing to eat except a tiny bowl of oatmeal at 7:30, so that's 13 hours with nothing to eat...with a seizure disorder that says I'm not supposed to skip meals. When I got settled, about 9:15, they got me a fruit plate.  Best thing I ever ate.

After a fitful night of almost no sleep, I had to beg 3 times for breakfast.  I actually had to get up, walk down to the nurse's station and ask if they weren't going to get me breakfast, could they get me a Tylenol for my hunger headache? So, at 10:00, I finally got breakfast. They didn't figure out what could have happened until the doctor was signing my discharge papers.  It's possible I could have missed a blood pressure pill and had a rebound effect, shooting the pulse rate up.

The whole time I'm in the hospital, my sister-in-law (husband's sister) is texting me of the drama of her life.  Turns out (according to her) her husband is abusive.  He's in Maryland trying to find a job so she can move there.  She just left him for another man.  Like I need this.  Best of all, don't let her mom find out or her husband's mom (who they live with).

So, when I got home, I took a 3 hour nap, then started getting stomach flu symptoms.  There were 3 people in the hospital puking their guts out.  I put on my Four Thieves essential oils, took some Pepto, and felt better.

I wake up Wednesday morning with no power in the bathroom. It is currently our ONLY bathroom because we've spent the last 2 weeks getting the mold out of our master bath by replacing the shower.  We're not finished.  In case anyone new is reading this, I've been battling cancer for 2 years, and my husband is finally partial load bearing on a broken leg after a year and a half.  My sister-in-law asked if we had any spare food because the guy she's moving in with is a bachelor and wasn't prepared for this...they thought it would come much later.  I gathered up a box from my emergency storage...God does provide.

Meanwhile my husband can't take off more work, so I called his dad to help with the electrical problem. You know, the ones who are not supposed to learn about my sister-in-law leaving her husband?  So, I had to try to coordinate them coming over, making sure it wasn't at the same time.  Didn't work out that way.

Then, I discover when her mother in law got home, that I'm supposed to come and get her cat.

Then, I wake up this morning to a bomb going off in West, Texas.  What a week.  And today I have a chemo treatment in the middle of storms.

This is definitely a week I won't forget but I still feel blessed.  I pray for those affected in West, Texas and Boston, Massachusetts.

I have to wonder if Texas wasn't also a terrorist attack?  I'm hearing a 5 mile radius was leveled. Our country is falling apart.  We all have to realize that we need each other, and this isn't a Democrat or Republican thing.  America has to pull together, in spite of this president, and fight our enemies.  Sometimes the enemies are within.

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